forum To Those Involved in a RP with Mojack (and those who want to look)
Started by @Mojack group

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@Mojack group

I know it's probably clear already, but I haven't been that active lately, which means I haven't been able to respond to RPs that often. I'm doing better already, but I do have an explanation;

I wasn't in the best place mentally earlier this week, so I decided to take a break from quite a few of my forums and social media to focus on other things, which also includes notebook (on which I was taking a break from)

I'm on off and on to respond sometimes and check back on certain things, but other than that, my main focus is on taking some time for myself, away from the internet; getting caught up on work; and other things.

I'm doing a lot better though, not 100% but it's better than having a horrible day! Just wanted to notify those I was apart of a RP with (and those who are curious). I'll hopefully get back to responding this weekend.