forum To Do Lists While We're Quarantined
Started by @Pickles group

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@Pickles group

Okay, so I have a lot of things I need to get done and I feel like posting them somewhere would help me actually do them. Feel free to add what you have to do this is so dumb wow

  • Read. I have a very long TBR and it's not really getting anywhere
  • Clean my room. I'm on spring break this week, so I don't have to do school, and my goal is to get it done by next week. Not sure if it's going to go well.
  • Clean the bathtub
  • Bullet journal. Usually I do it during study hall and not having one has messed everything up
  • Catch up on as many podcasts as I can

@Becfromthedead group

  • Do my dang schoolwork
  • Knit more, maybe look into selling some of my things
  • Write
  • Catch up with My Hero Academia and start Psycho-Pass
  • Work on digital art, and maybe some painting
  • Embroider more patches and figure how to make good-quality iron-ons
  • Look for public health volunteer opportunities- tbh, this pandemic might be a good time
  • Read some. I bought 2 old medical textbooks that are dying to be opened

Deleted user

-write some more on my two stories that are yelling at me to do more on them
-clean my room for once
-read more on webtoon
-get back to my workouts
-over all, do something with my life.