forum To all those who know/rp with @rat-in-a-cage
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

Hey guys.

((I think that's everyone… sorry if I missed you!))

I know, this is gonna sound weird. But it’s time for me to move on. I’m not going to hurt or kill myself, don’t worry. But… notebook was a chapter in my life that was amazing. It was so perfect. But now… that chapter’s over. I can just feel it, inside of me. This chapter of my life is over. And I know it hurts to move on. It always hurts. And I know I wasn't even here for very long. But it’s time for me to move on. It’s time for me to delete my account for good. I will always cherish the friendships I’ve made here. But now I need to go. Terribly sorry to all my rp partners, I hope you can understand.

Signing off,


