forum Title your day like a Percy Jackson chapter
Started by @just_gabs_needs_springtime group

people_alt 75 followers


(I have an hour to write 700 words about comparing occupational therapists in Arizona and Oregon. Thank you for asking though)

I have to write 1000 words about Occupational therapist in general so I feel yah


What if… Theoretically… I ran away to Australia to live on a concrete barge with a bunch of strangers and a guy named Sam for 3 months?

(This is not smart because I plan to blow up Australia and rid the world of the creepy crawlies that reside there.)


What if… Theoretically… I ran away to Australia to live on a concrete barge with a bunch of strangers and a guy named Sam for 3 months?

(This is not smart because I plan to blow up Australia and rid the world of the creepy crawlies that reside there.)

Then please let me go there first

@just_gabs_needs_springtime group

"only 9 hours left at my job, please God let them be easy"

(And suddenly, everything that could go wrong, did in fact, go wrong.)(In all seriousness, I hope you had a good day!)

(I did not but on the bright side one of my kids brought me a piece of his Halloween candy cos it's my last week <3)

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

"only 9 hours left at my job, please God let them be easy"

(And suddenly, everything that could go wrong, did in fact, go wrong.)(In all seriousness, I hope you had a good day!)

(I did not but on the bright side one of my kids brought me a piece of his Halloween candy cos it's my last week <3)

(How sweet!)

@just_gabs_needs_springtime group

"only 9 hours left at my job, please God let them be easy"

(And suddenly, everything that could go wrong, did in fact, go wrong.)(In all seriousness, I hope you had a good day!)

(I did not but on the bright side one of my kids brought me a piece of his Halloween candy cos it's my last week <3)

(How sweet!)

(Ik!! It made my afternoon)


What if… Theoretically… I ran away to Australia to live on a concrete barge with a bunch of strangers and a guy named Sam for 3 months?

(This is not smart because I plan to blow up Australia and rid the world of the creepy crawlies that reside there.)

Then please let me go there first

No. If you die I will go down to hell and drag your ass back bitch.

Deleted user

"Woke up too early and got an iced coffee with lesbian humour on the side"