forum Tis' Homecoming season
Started by @Sugar-Lover

people_alt 3 followers


It is Homecoming season so tell me about your homecomings. Did you go? Did you have fun? Was it the most horrid experience in your life? Any stories you want to tell? Any advice for people who haven't gone before? Anything goes at Old El Paso. Tell stories from your homecoming that was twenty years ago, it doesn't matter.

@HighPockets group

Yeah we go there (and the library but it closes at 5 on weekends) a lot. We went there instead of going on rides at the town's festival. Also my therapist/school counslar/coach/friend's mom used to take me there to get coffee and breakfast burritos if I was having a bad day.


My homecoming was on Friday night. I went with a couple of friends and had fun. The only part that wasn't the best was that there was this guy )that I'm not sure if I like him or not) that went with another girl from a different school. They were really cute together how do I know? I watched them all night…

@Rvan group

Yeah… my homecoming kinda sucked…
Not great music and the guy I had a crush on got asked by someone else to dance…
Then all my friends were having a great time and I just kinda… watched from the sidelines and sulked lol


I know how you feel… I have fun almost everywhere (I'm really optimistic) but I mostly watched my friends and the guy I think I like have fun…