forum tips on focusing
Started by @houdini

people_alt 37 followers


i'm a professional procrastinator, and the longer i'm given to complete something, the longer i will take to complete it. well, here's the thing. i have a really big project due sunday. really big project. as in, i've had all year to do it, and if i don't complete this project by sunday i will not be allowed to sit down and take the test for that class, and i will not get the diploma or the scholarship i'm after. now, i have about, eh, 400 words out of 2000, and i'm really struggling to focus. literally nothing is working, and i'm panicking because i have another project of equal importance and length that is literally past due and i really need to get my shit together. so, any tips that could help me? like, not posting my problems here and actually work on it or something?

@Moxie group

I am a Professional Procrastinator and often get into the same situations you do.
There's an extension called Forest I have on my computer. Really helps me. You can temporarily block certain sites, or limit yourself to only being able to visit certain sites.
Find the place/time of day where you work best. For me, I love to work on my bed but I often end up laying down and scrolling through pinterest or notebook, not working. But I work really well at night in my living room when everyone else is asleep, or at a coffee shop.
If you have friends on notebook and struggle with being on notebook instead of working, tell your friends (or just anyone) to not let them catch you on notebook. Having other people keep you accountable helps me a lot.
Find music that helps you. Instrumental music is really best. I listen to a playlist on spotify I found called Focus and Get Your Shit Done. It really helps me.
Make a list of each thing you have to do, even if it's really small. Check off each thing as you finish it.
Those are all the tips I currently have. If I think of more, I'll post them.


-As Moxie said, find the time and place to go, and get your work done, maybe get some easy snacks just in case, a cushy chair, the works! That'll help for sure!
And you can listen to videogame soundtracks for focus if yoy need. They usually work. And so does lo-fi music (for me usually), and yeah.
Get lots of sleep.
That's all I got rn, but I'm occupied, so I might be back with more later.