forum Timeline
Started by @Lengna

people_alt 8 followers


I'm not sure if this is really the place to be suggesting things or not.
But I feel having a timeline where you could use dropdowns to add chars and events would be nice.
Especially if it was split up into births, deaths, events and notes.
I currently use a spreadsheet for these things but it would be so nice to have it built into notebook.

Here's a screenshot of what i'm currently doing to show what I mean

Is that something anyone else would be interested in at all?


I'd definitely be interested in it. I'm constantly looking for a decent programme or website to make timelines because I find them so useful but so far I haven't really found anything that does the job as well as I'd like.


Oh dude stuff like these are always needed! It's really useful in cases where you might have a "time traveling" element in your story or multiple universes that share the same timeline, but will change at one point or another (sort of like time travel, but not really. Like the Multi-universe theory).

Deleted user

I would so want this considering all my events are vaguely fitted between each other