forum Thus my mind hast broke.
Started by @SammyTheDanishCanadian

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I figured this out a couple of years ago while doing this math problem
it was a word problem where this guy got in trouble in class, and his teacher said that he could leave class but had to start ten feet away from the door, and every minute he could cut the distance between him and the door in half. The question was, when would he reach the door?
When I first did the problem it seemed way too simple, so I didn't trust it. I pulled out my handy dandy calculator even though I was told not to use it and realized that the number just kept getting smaller and smaller but never reached 0
He was stuck in math class forever

Deleted user

I was taught this in 8th grade math… but I didn’t take it very seriously…


I was taught this in 8th grade math… but I didn’t take it very seriously…

did I read that
so wrong
my brain decided to blur all of the words together again and the first sentence said "I took meth in 8th grade"

Deleted user

I was taught this in 8th grade math… but I didn’t take it very seriously…

did I read that
so wrong
my brain decided to blur all of the words together again and the first sentence said "I took meth in 8th grade"

As in the thing pre-algebra. Oof I wasn’t clear.


I was taught this in 8th grade math… but I didn’t take it very seriously…

did I read that
so wrong
my brain decided to blur all of the words together again and the first sentence said "I took meth in 8th grade"

As in the thing pre-algebra. Oof I wasn’t clear.

no you were very clear, you said "math" and I read "meth"

Deleted user

I was taught this in 8th grade math… but I didn’t take it very seriously…

did I read that
so wrong
my brain decided to blur all of the words together again and the first sentence said "I took meth in 8th grade"

As in the thing pre-algebra. Oof I wasn’t clear.

no you were very clear, you said "math" and I read "meth"

Oh… meth is cool I guess… actually not it’s not it’s very dangerous.


From what I've read and seen, it's actually extremely dangerous and can ruin your life… however I haven't done extensive research on it and haven't really had involvement with it so I could be wrong I guess

Deleted user

wait I read that wrong I thought you said "it's actually not very dangerous" oh my godddd fml

Lol I can see that.


I figured this out a couple of years ago while doing this math problem
it was a word problem where this guy got in trouble in class, and his teacher said that he could leave class but had to start ten feet away from the door, and every minute he could cut the distance between him and the door in half. The question was, when would he reach the door?
When I first did the problem it seemed way too simple, so I didn't trust it. I pulled out my handy dandy calculator even though I was told not to use it and realized that the number just kept getting smaller and smaller but never reached 0
He was stuck in math class forever

Isn't that Zeno's paradox? My friend told me about it cuz she's a nerd (a good thing) and wanted to tell someone about Zeno. But it's like he goes around a track and goes halfway and then half of htat but he'll never get around the entire way because it's a paradox.

@Mercury Beta Tester

Here's another Maths paradox:

The Monty Hall Problem

You're on a game show and you're given the choice of three doors. Behind one is a car, behind the other two are goats. You want to win the car. You pick a door (E.g. Door 1) and the host, who knows what's behind the doors, opens another door (E.g. Door 3), which as a goat. They say to you: "Do you want to pick Door 2?"
Should you stick with your original choice or switch? Is it 1/2 either way no matter whether it's Door 1 or 2?

The answer:


Oh I have one:

You have a magical bag filled with infinite marbles
You give the bag to your friend
Now your friend has infinite marbles and you have zero
Therefore, infinity minus infinity equals zero

You have a magical bag filled with infinite marbles
They are marked with sequential numbers (they're marked 1, 2, 3, etc. all the way to infinity)
You keep all the odd-numbered ones and give all the even-numbered ones to your friend
Now your friend has infinite marbles and you have infinite marbles
Therefore, infinity minus infinity equals infinity

You have a magical bag filled with infinite marbles
You take out three and keep them, then give the bag to your friend
Now your friend has infinite marbles and you have three
Therefore, infinity minus infinity equals three

It's really cool because we like to treat infinity like a number when it's not; it's simply a concept that exists because of a loophole in our mathematical system.