forum Three Word Story [GAME]
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

(What happened to the gay blue dragon? I’m so confused…)


(What happened to the gay blue dragon? I’m so confused…)

(If I'm following along correctly, his name is now Giddory Pup and John Johnson now wants to kill him for unknown reasons)

Deleted user

(What happened to the gay blue dragon? I’m so confused…)

(If I'm following along correctly, his name is now Giddory Pup and John Johnson now wants to kill him for unknown reasons)

(But… they were so cute together…)

Deleted user

(What happened to the gay blue dragon? I’m so confused…)

(If I'm following along correctly, his name is now Giddory Pup and John Johnson now wants to kill him for unknown reasons)

(But… they were so cute together…)

(John Johnson is a traitorous little ^&%$^)

Deleted user

( this thread has me confuzzled…)

(Honestly, me, too, but that's what makes it funny. xD)