forum Thread for people to be weird!
Started by @m1dn1g7t_ri0ts_13

people_alt 73 followers

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I wish my brother knew his password XD I forgot to send him it, but he will probably just talk about Thanos and Waluigi all the time.

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Rin, please, call me Kylee. Daisy is just a Mario character, and Kylee is my real name. Xcnx4 is alright to,


I would introduce my best friend to this place but the amount of times I manage to embarrass myself is impressively high and she's the one person who doesn't think I'm crazy, I'd like things to stay that way. (Also, I'm pretty sure I already scared her away from this site just from talking and venting about it to her)

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Oof rips. Emi was the one who made me join this site, so I’m technically the friend who was introduced by another friend.


There's still a large chance that she'll join just to help work on her characters, but I'm not sure if I even want her to she knows me IRL and if I embarrass myself in front of her she'll most likely remember it forever and I really don't want that

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I’ve already made many mistakes infront of my friend, at least I can bounce back from completely embarrassing myself infront of Emi or Destiny. We will be laughing about it together while I die inside completely.

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I keep trying to get my two pals to join but they wont….

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Unless of course they ARE on here and just haven't reached out…..

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I’m a short lesbian stick that loves to draw anime character and ship things. My entire life is watching anime, reading manga, typing actual trash, drawing, and well shipping the most random things. As you can see, my OTP right now is Tododeku, a ship from BHNA. My precious cinnamon rolls better get together or I’ll cry.


I’m a short lesbian stick that loves to draw anime character and ship things. My entire life is watching anime, reading manga, typing actual trash, drawing, and well shipping the most random things. As you can see, my OTP right now is Tododeku, a ship from BHNA. My precious cinnamon rolls better get together or I’ll cry.

Anime!! Manga!! We're totally otaku buddies now!


…I'm 99% sure I'm straight, yet at the same time I've never had a crush to prove anything, but I can guarantee I'm not ace, but then again I've never had a crush or been in love so I have no clue. Based on how I act around strangers I'm still going with the straight thing just because I lose all ability to speak when I'm around boys

Deleted user

I’m a short lesbian stick that loves to draw anime character and ship things. My entire life is watching anime, reading manga, typing actual trash, drawing, and well shipping the most random things. As you can see, my OTP right now is Tododeku, a ship from BHNA. My precious cinnamon rolls better get together or I’ll cry.

Anime!! Manga!! We're totally otaku buddies now!

Oh yesh I’m known as the weeb who is obsessed with video games by pretty much everyone, I’m asked joke questions about anime from others, but I’m respected by some people for how ‘expressive’ I am, someone told me that they looked up to how confident I am in my interests which really stuck with me…


Ayyyye another pansexual!

Did you know that I'm bi/pan too?

Well I thought you were bi.

Yep! Technically bi, but I'd go by pan as well.

So you're a pan-da?

…That was bad.


I’m a short lesbian stick that loves to draw anime character and ship things. My entire life is watching anime, reading manga, typing actual trash, drawing, and well shipping the most random things. As you can see, my OTP right now is Tododeku, a ship from BHNA. My precious cinnamon rolls better get together or I’ll cry.

Anime!! Manga!! We're totally otaku buddies now!

Oh yesh I’m known as the weeb who is obsessed with video games by pretty much everyone, I’m asked joke questions about anime from others, but I’m respected by some people for how ‘expressive’ I am, someone told me that they looked up to how confident I am in my interests which really stuck with me…

I'd rather go by otaku instead of weeb. That's funny though!