forum Thread for people to be weird!
Started by @m1dn1g7t_ri0ts_13

people_alt 73 followers

@That One Walmart Spiderman

Guys, I'm reading this book and I have a serious shipping problem, and there are these two dudes that I really ship, and NOW THEY'RE CANON AND I WOULD DIE FOR MY PRECIOUS LITTLE SUNSHINE NUGGETS.


Guys, I'm reading this book and I have a serious shipping problem, and there are these two dudes that I really ship, and NOW THEY'RE CANON AND I WOULD DIE FOR MY PRECIOUS LITTLE SUNSHINE NUGGETS.

"Precious little sunshine nuggets"


Guys, I'm reading this book and I have a serious shipping problem, and there are these two dudes that I really ship, and NOW THEY'RE CANON AND I WOULD DIE FOR MY PRECIOUS LITTLE SUNSHINE NUGGETS.

Which book my dude?

@That One Walmart Spiderman

Guys, I'm reading this book and I have a serious shipping problem, and there are these two dudes that I really ship, and NOW THEY'RE CANON AND I WOULD DIE FOR MY PRECIOUS LITTLE SUNSHINE NUGGETS.

"Precious little sunshine nuggets"

If you end up quoting that I want full credit

@That One Walmart Spiderman

Guys, I'm reading this book and I have a serious shipping problem, and there are these two dudes that I really ship, and NOW THEY'RE CANON AND I WOULD DIE FOR MY PRECIOUS LITTLE SUNSHINE NUGGETS.

Which book my dude?

Beneath the Citadel by Destiny Soria.


Guys, I'm reading this book and I have a serious shipping problem, and there are these two dudes that I really ship, and NOW THEY'RE CANON AND I WOULD DIE FOR MY PRECIOUS LITTLE SUNSHINE NUGGETS.

"Precious little sunshine nuggets"

If you end up quoting that I want full credit


@That One Walmart Spiderman

Guys, I'm reading this book and I have a serious shipping problem, and there are these two dudes that I really ship, and NOW THEY'RE CANON AND I WOULD DIE FOR MY PRECIOUS LITTLE SUNSHINE NUGGETS.

"Precious little sunshine nuggets"

If you end up quoting that I want full credit


I'm serious.



Did I mention that I just murdered half my OTP in my head and made the other half watch, then had the murdered half come back as a spirit only to end up watching helplessly as the un-murdered half breaks down into a depressed bean over the loss of the one he loved? Because I did. That's what happens when you ship your OCs… It's always angsty