forum THOMAS SANDERS/SANDERS SIDES (new video lyrics)
Started by @rot-baby-rot!

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So the new video came out, right? Well two hours have passed and I've finally finished writing all the lyrics to the new song, and I feel like posting them here

(If you haven't seen the new video then I wouldn't read this as it's the lyrics to the song from that)

Roman: So you’ve gone and called someone stupid
And in response, they damaged your eye
But there is where the conflict must end
Lest you both end up blind

Logan: Another song? Really?

Roman: Sometimes the problems at play
Are not all plain to see
So we lash out at our loved ones
Disregarding our Bon sanctity

Patton: There are several sides to us that may seem abstract at first
Until we discover where everything fits, and
People can be like a half missing puzzle set
As we find the pieces, things make more and more sense!

Thomas: Nice imagery, but I’m not sure I follow

Patton: Well, I’ll give you an example
I had this problem where I’d often hide my less than awesome feelings
So when I would feel like sobbin’ I’d just smile and crack jokes
I thought that that was coping
Only joking, never showing sadness
Hoping it would go away

Logan: Did that work?

Patton: Nope!
I felt bad

Roman: Aw, Pat

Patton: It’s okay

Thomas: How’s that?

Patton: Everybody gets sad
Even dads that have people to care for
And therefore
You don’t have to hide your pain
Life without rainy days is incomplete
Or, like, not even a thing, you know?
Rain goes to plants, plants feed animals, plant-eating animals feed animal-eating animals and humans feed animals corn and inject them with hormones until they can barely walk anymore-

Thomas: Patton? How does all of that relate to rain?

Patton: Oh, right, rainy days, forgot what I was talking about… um, putting it simply,
Rain is a necessary piece of the puzzle that is, uh, life!

Logan: So true. Are we done singing or is this just one of those musical interludes?

Virgil: On the subject of stormclouds, ‘cause, you know, you need stormclouds to make rain- I’m just gonna get into it
You once knew me as real gloomy
This weird spooky, broody dude
Because I knew you’d listen to me as too scary to ignore
I thought that I could take it
All the hate could just be shaken
But when you lo- care for someone not much hurts more than their scorn
I also felt bad

Roman: Come now

Virgil: In a different way

Thomas: Different how?

Virgil: By bad, I mean, well, mean
But I did what I thought that I had too
Which is bad, too
I don’t have to act all tough

Thomas: Sometimes love is enough

Patton: For what we need

Logan: That was a quaint little review
Of things that we already knew
Now can our discourse resume?
There’s pressing matters at hand

Thomas: Actually, that was for your benefit

Logan: I don’t see how that could be relevant

Patton: Logan, please

Thomas: Our goal’s benevolent

Logan: You know me, I don’t care for sentiment

Roman: OMG

Logan and Thomas: This just serves as testament to the fact that

Thomas: You have a temperament

Logan: To me, you’re negligent

Logan and Thomas: Which is fine

Thomas: You just haven’t accepted it
If you’d let them finish they’d get to the-

Logan: It just works to your detriment
You’re not letting me finish this proof to my-

Virgil: HEY!
You’re lost

Logan: I’m right here?

Virgil: It’s okay

Logan: You’re acting weird…

Virgil: I was lost once too but thanks to all of you
Life sucks less now

Thomas, Patton, and Roman: We’re your best pals

Virgil: No one wants to be a joke

Thomas, Patton, and Roman: But a life free of jokes is incomplete!

Roman: Oh my gosh, guys, if we’re airing out our dirty laundry, would you mind if I participated?

Thomas: By all means, sure!

Roman: hangs up dirty socks
I’d also like to contribute to this weird, vent-y song

Thomas: Please do!

Roman: I’ve got an issue that feels nuisful
I don’t want to say I’m too cool
But I’m just too fab for you fools
And I feel like you don’t get me

Thomas: You insulted us while venting?

Roman: Sorry

Thomas: It’s alright, Princey
Honestly, it didn’t hurt me
It’s clear you’re the one that’s hurting

Roman: Huh?

Virgil: You feel low

Roman: That’s not true

Patton: It’s okay

Roman: Don’t assume!

Thomas: You don’t need to say face

Virgil: In almost any case

Virgil and Patton: We embrace you

Roman: That’s rich

Virgil: No one hates you

Thomas, Patton, and Virgil: Everbody’s got flaws

Thomas: But with no you at all, I’m incomplete

Patton: There!

Virgil, Patton, and Roman: Now you see
Everybody goes wrong
And we put it in song so it’s easier
To hear it

Patton: This puzzle’s tough, I’ll admit
But in time we’ll find where everything fits