forum Things You Hate When RPing
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Deleted user

A safe place to vent about the things you absolutely despise while you are trying to RP.

Have at it folks. That way everyone can be on the same damn page.

Deleted user

Bad spelling/grammar. glitching out.


People who don't help come up with new ideas/ways to develop the plot
like I can handle bad grammar and one liners, especially if I'm having a lazy day
But if I start to realize that the person/people I'm RPing with expect me to come up with everything, I will immediately abandon the RP

Deleted user

People who don't help come up with new ideas/ways to develop the plot
like I can handle bad grammar and one liners, especially if I'm having a lazy day
But if I start to realize that the person/people I'm RPing with expect me to come up with everything, I will immediately abandon the RP

I feel like when people don't anything it's inevitable that the rp will fall off or it'll get really dry. And then we have a really good idea that pretty much falls into nothing.

Deleted user

People who don’t really interact w other people and then complain about not being in the story line.

Deleted user

^^ That can't be helped. There are a lot of people that don't speak English as their first language…

Deleted user

When people are gone for awhile and then come back and ask "What's going on?" instead of reading what was written but others.


People who say "I don't know how to put my character in the story." Then why join???


Oof, I do the first one bc I get really lazy and I don't always have a lot of time to roleplay so I can't sit down and read through what I missed

Deleted user

I hate it when people who don't pay attention to the small details and do something that was literally just stated as impossible but it's rude to say anything or you don't wanna have an argument and then you have to completely readjust your story angle to follow in with new detail.
I also don't like it when people say they wanna join, but then vanish for hours on end.
It is really annoying when people leave it to me to keep coming up with new stuff.
I actually don't like grammer sharks, like, I understand that basic capitalization and apostrophes are important. But grammer doesn't have to be perfect to RP. Not everyone has time to reword, rewrite, or proofread every post. I mean, for me it is really annoying to see my own grammer issues… but I don't need people calling me out on every little thing. Like if it's major I can understand. If you're having a bad day and it really bugs you… ok. But not people who demand perfect grammer. I can't do perfect grammer and write interesting plots. The two don't mix for me, and it's one of the reasons I don't actually work on the story I'm trying to write and that makes me sad every time I think of it.
It also causes me to turn away from some really cool RPs who need members/participants…

then there is also the thing with one liners. I don't mind them. As long as it isn't out of place. I don't want to read how flowy and messy and whiney your character is. I want to have the plot play out, and that doesn't always require an entire paragraph. Mind you one liners can cause an rp to go dry really quick, but only if it's not done in the right context.


Grammar sharks, I get it, you have your day's, I used to be one of you, but the way language and communication works isn't in perfectly controlled regulated sentences. You can understand what attitude a person has based on what kind of grammar they have. One could even say having 'bad' Grammar is a writing stile of it's own, take Of Mice and Men for example.

RP's are more like a conversation and less like a full out written book so one liners are bound to happen, just like grammar errors. Perfectly pristine, flowing, Rhythmically pleasing sentences aren't your first thought in a conversation unless it's a professional setting. You have snarky comments just thrown into a conversation, you have simple banter, that consists of one line. It can be frustrating when people don't include one liners because then you have a RP filled with useless details and fluff that doesn't need to be there. All of those useless details can clog up a book or story until suddenly you have four pages of the same conversation that should have gone something like,
"How are you?"
"I'm fine and you?"
I''m well… meh."
But you end up with, Her hands fidgeted slightly, clenched at her waist, as the words bubbled forth eloquently from her mouth, "How are you on this fine morning, 8:17 am eastern time.", She duct her head slightly after she finished, staring quietly at her shoes waiting for the reply she felt he would feel obligated respond. Oh but how, she wondered, would she react to this very important information….. You see what i'm getting at?

Deleted user

Grammar sharks, I get it, you have your day's, I used to be one of you, but the way language and communication works isn't in perfectly controlled regulated sentences. You can understand what attitude a person has based on what kind of grammar they have. One could even say having 'bad' Grammar is a writing stile of it's own, take Of Mice and Men for example.

RP's are more like a conversation and less like a full out written book so one liners are bound to happen, just like grammar errors. Perfectly pristine, flowing, Rhythmically pleasing sentences aren't your first thought in a conversation unless it's a professional setting. You have snarky comments just thrown into a conversation, you have simple banter, that consists of one line. It can be frustrating when people don't include one liners because then you have a RP filled with useless details and fluff that doesn't need to be there. All of those useless details can clog up a book or story until suddenly you have four pages of the same conversation that should have gone something like,
"How are you?"
"I'm fine and you?"
I''m well… meh."
But you end up with, Her hands fidgeted slightly, clenched at her waist, as the words bubbled forth eloquently from her mouth, "How are you on this fine morning, 8:17 am eastern time.", She duct her head slightly after she finished, staring quietly at her shoes waiting for the reply she felt he would feel obligated respond. Oh but how, she wondered, would she react to this very important information….. You see what i'm getting at?



you can fix lots of grammar problems with Grammarly
also I wish I was getting paid to promote Grammarly but sadly I'm not, I just like the application

Deleted user

I would 100% prefer too much detail over too little. It's hard to picture what is happening in the story when someone just puts:
"Okay." Jane Doe said.

One liners are the worst.

Deleted user

I would 100% prefer too much detail over too little. It's hard to picture what is happening in the story when someone just puts:
"Okay." Jane Doe said.

One liners are the worst.

I see where you're coming from, but sometimes one-liners are all you need to convey all that info.

Deleted user

Hardly. There's no such thing as a one liner in an actual book (which and RP mimics) there's a constant influx of information, plot building, character building, world building. If you are truly a writer then a one liner should be avoided at all costs.

Deleted user

If you're going between two characters in a fast conversation, too much detail can ruin the mood, speed, and possibly whatever suspense you might be going for. If you're looking at dialouge, or when two characters are closely interacting, then the less words the better, otherwise the point gets lost in details.
Honestly repeating the same info over and over again is boring. Same with trying to find detail when it's unnecessary.
Then there's also the fact that I find that when people are trying to stay away from one liners they end up slightly controlling, or deciding what happens to the other character. Which is annoying in a fight scene.

Deleted user

I think one-liners only exist in novels when it comes to dialogue. Even then, it's very rare.

^^^Agreed. Even then it's usually accompanied by a thought process from the MC. So at that point it's entirely moot.