forum Things that make you laugh!
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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Just share jokes, videos, memes, vines, etc. that you find funny! Dark humor, political humor, wholesome memes and all that stuff is allowed, just nothing too NSFW. Also, be nice and don't make any extremely racist/sexist/offensive jokes. Thank you! (Sorry for any spelling errors, Grammarly isn't working for some reason)


A man walked into a bar and saw a very small man, about a foot tall, playing piano on the table. He was confused, so the man went up to the bartender and asked why the piano player was there.
"There's a genie in the back alley that will grant you one wish of your choice."
The man ran out back and found that the bartender was right! There was a genie that was ready to grant one wish.
"I wish for a million bucks!"
There was a rumble, and the alley began to fill up with waterfowl! The man ran back into the bar, brushing feathers off of him. He stormed up to the bartender;
"What the hell, man?! I asked for a million bucks and the genie gave me a million ducks!"
The bartender looked over with a straight face.
"Do you really think I asked for a twelve-inch pianist?"


Ok, since this place is supposedto be for authors, I figured I'd share some sarcastic, writing-related humor that's also pretty helpful: (Note: watch the sponsor sections too, they're funny.)

Just some beautiful examples of the gold we refer to as this not-at-all sarcastic channel. You should buy his book.


Purple people lives in purple houses
Blue people lives in blue houses
Red people lives in red houses
Orange people lives in White Houses


Is that google translate sings? (I can't see it)

Nope, just some guy typing the Japanese characters for "e" and "gu" over and over again into Google Translate and seeing what it means. Apparently, Egueguegueguegueguegueguegu e guegu translates to "deleciness of deep-sea squeeze trees"


You know when you shouldn't laugh at something but you do anyway? Help me

…My sense of humor is broken
…I definitely didn't just post this in the hopes of reviving this chat