forum There's this Guy..(Rant)
Started by @Mark_Is_Male group

people_alt 4 followers

@Mark_Is_Male group


So, basically there is this guy in my friend group…

( I'm not really friends with him, because I only know him from sitting at the same table. )

Basically, I moved towns, and schools, and I met a few people who asked If I wanted to sit with them at lunch. Of course, I said yes, because obviously I needed friends. So, I sat with the guy that asked, his name is Toby, and he introduced me to his friends.

Daisy, Kaitlyn, Miranda, and Jason-(At the time, he thought he was going by She/Her)

So, I got to know them, and the second week of school- after finding out that Daisy is Aromantic, Kaitlyn is Pansexual, Miranda is Biromantic, and Toby was gay, I decided to come out to them as Transgender and Gay!

I told them, and they all accepted me, except for- Jason.

Since I started sitting at their table, I got along with everybody, but Jessica. I would say something, and automatically, he would try and take over the conversation, and make it seem like whatever I did, was NOTHING compared to what he did.

SO, when I came out, he started telling everybody, I didn't really care because I just learned that other peoples opinions didn't matter, and then he would misgender me, call me by my dead name, saying that I, and all other transgender people, should burn in hell.

Well, I finally got my hair cut! I also started wearing bandages that I would put over my chest each morning before going to my locker. (I'd put it on in the bathroom when I got to school, keep in mind this was before I really understood that I could hurt myself with this.)


Anyway, my friend Toby started bringing in his clothes for me to wear, so I felt more comfortable, and at the end of the day I would give them back, of course, and change into what I left the house in, and everybody started calling me Mark.

However, Jason was still calling me my dead name, and she/her, calling me a tranny, and a mistake. Then, one day we are at lunch, and he says.

"Call me Jason now, I'm a guy."


I understand if you where nervous and everything to come out, but why do you feel the need to call me all of those horrible things, as well as calling me by my dead name?? Then decide to TELL EVERYBODY THAT YOU ARE TRANSGENDER?!

Recently, he has been calling me names again, and, while he is doing this, I'm still going to be the better person and NOT misgender him. HE has been saying that I should "crawl back to hell".

I'm glad that he's going to a different school, I just wanted to get this off of my chest.


I don't really have a reply, not sure what to say…. but I did want you to know that you were heard (bc knowing I'm heard always helps me!) : D

Deleted user

I have no idea what to say, but I heard you and that guy was a jerk. You don't serve whats happening to you.


Man, that sucks. He seems like either he has a lot of internalized transphobia that's manifesting in some sort of weird projection of his own self-hatred, or he's just a jerk who wants to hurt you because he's transphobic and is making fun of you. Either way, that's messed up.

@Mark_Is_Male group

I have no idea what to say, but I heard you and that guy was a jerk. You don't serve whats happening to you.

Thank you, all I really needed was to get this off of my chest.

@Mark_Is_Male group

Man, that sucks. He seems like either he has a lot of internalized transphobia that's manifesting in some sort of weird projection of his own self-hatred, or he's just a jerk who wants to hurt you because he's transphobic and is making fun of you. Either way, that's messed up.

Yeah, i've asked my friends what I should do, and they said that I should start calling him She/Her. I just don't think that I should sink to his level and misgender him like he is with me..

@Mark_Is_Male group

What an absolute trash heap of a guy!!! Trust me Mark, he's not the kind of person you want to hang out with.

Yeah, I blocked him on Instagram last night, he was making transphobic comments on my photos.

Deleted user

Gosh, people can really suck sometimes. You are awesome and know that we're here for you!