forum Theatre Kid Chat
Started by @fruitbatsandearlgrey

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Hi, this is a chat for theatre kids! This includes:

1: Those who participate in any kind of theatre
2: Those who like watching theatre/listening to cast recordings
3: ANYONE who considers themselves a theatre kid! This is very inclusive.

Here are a few starter questions for conversation:

1: Favorite show in general?
2:Favorite show you've done?
3: Favorite show you've seen?
5: Favorite cast recording?
6: Favorite character you've played?
7: How hard is tap dancing (for scientific purposes)?
8: Dream roles?
9: Any onstage mishaps or mixups?

Tony's discourse is welcome, but please don't set anything on fire.

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Im trying out for drama next year, But I really like Hamilton and Ive been to Broadway Cafe?


1: My favorite show right now is Anastasia. I know the story isn't the greatest, but the soundtrack makes me smile and I love the movie. I also love Newsies, because there's just something so satisfying and fun about the accents, the time period, etc.
2: Since I'm homeschooled, I haven't been in that many shows. I did a few fairy tale children's plays, my favorite being a Cinderella one with a twist. I was also in the musical Crazy For You, and a melodrama.
3: Haven't seen enough shows…I guess the best one I've see was the Addams Family Musical put on by my community theater.
5: Hamilton, probably. I know it's basic to say so, but that's bop after bop man. The songs will stay stuck in your head forever.
6: Wicked stepmother. It's fun being evil.
7: Full disclosure: I've tap danced since I was four (fourteen years). I've always been pretty good at it. It's definitely not easy but once you get into the rhythm it's so incredibly fun. Tap dancing is just so freeing. The sound, the timing, the fact that you don't have to focus on structure/posture… It's my favorite form of dance. I recommend!
8: If I could play anyone, I'd want to play Esmeralda from Hunchback of Notre Dame. She's such a cool character.
9: Let me tell you about being in the musical Crazy For You. If you've never heard of it, it's kind of an old, tap-dancing based musical about some guy in showbiz who falls in love with a country gal. It's…not the greatest, but it's not terrible. Anyway, to keep the story short: most people hardly showed up for practice, I had to reteach a few of the dancers because they just weren't ready, we had to wear blonde wigs, some dude threw up backstage, some dude fell off a chair and broke it. There were definitely more mishaps, but I don't want to type all of them out lol

@HighPockets group

1: Favorite show in general?
Currently Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812. I also love Hamilton and Anastasia.
2:Favorite show you've done?
Bye Bye Birdie for musical, and Midsummer Night’s Midterm for play.
3: Favorite show you've seen?
The Adams Family
5: Favorite cast recording?
Hamilton or 2016 Recording for Great Comet.
6: Favorite character you've played?
King Oberon of the Faeries.
7: How hard is tap dancing (for scientific purposes)?
Never done it.
8: Dream roles?
Sonya Rostova, The Genie, Albert’s mom from Bye Bye Birdie, Helene Beshukov, Fedya Dolokhov, and Countess Lily.
9: Any onstage mishaps or mixups?
During MNM, a friend of mine (she was playing Tom Snout) tripped and turned it into a spectacular starfish fall.


1: Favorite show in general?
Little Shop of Horrors
2:Favorite show you've done?
The Dolls Of New Albion, we need a new show to do, something new and exsiting and I sugested that and we went along with it
3: Favorite show you've seen?
5: Favorite cast recording?
It's a tie between be More Chill and Little Shop Of Horrors
6: Favorite character you've played?
I'm just a prop/set design person, but I have just done and voice in The Dolls Of new Albion where the dad in the background was screaming
7: How hard is tap dancing (for scientific purposes)?
I don't find it all to hard, but I know some people who have been doing it for years and still have problems
8: Dream roles?
Seymour Krelboyne
9: Any onstage mishaps or mixups?
We were doing You Can't Take it With You and someone walked onstage, tripped and took down the table with them


Now that this hat is established I'm going to answer my own questions!

1: My favorite show in general is definitely Great Comet
2: I stage managed and understudied the lead in Little Women this year, I loved the show!
3: I saw Dear Evan Hansen on Broadway in April with most of the original cast and it was absolutely phenomenal! I cried a lot oops
4: Oh my gosh, I skipped number four.
5: Great Comet or Mean Girls at the moment, but it changes
6: If it counts, I understudied Jo in Little Women. Really hard part to play, but really fun character, especially since she's very similar to me.
7: How am I supposed to know?
8: Sophie from Mamma Mia, Janis or Karen from Mean Girls, literally any character from Heathers, and also any character from Great Comet
9: Oh, I have a lot of these. During the understudy dress for Little Women I completely blanked out on a spoken interlude monologue-thing during a song and just stared into space awkwardly for ten seconds before picking it back up two sentences later. When I did a community theatre show and I was in the ensemble, at one point we all had to huddle around somebody. I was in dark glitter fuschia liptick. I tripped and fell into another girl who was wearing a yellow shirt and I never had the heart to tell her and I still wonder if she knows it was me.

@Moxie group

Hiiii I saw theatre kid and ran.
1: Favorite show in general?
Either Hamilton or Mean Girls
2:Favorite show you've done?
I did this one really obscure show that our director wrote called the new emperor clothes and it was really fun.
3: Favorite show you've seen?
Hamilton. Duh
5: Favorite cast recording?
Next to normal and newsies
6: Favorite character you've played?
Jasmine (Aladdin)
7: How hard is tap dancing (for scientific purposes)?
I’ve done tap like once…. so idk. Pretty hard????
8: Dream roles?
Katherine from Newsies, Natalie from Next to Normal, or Regina George from Mean Girls
9: Any onstage mishaps or mixups?
My friend got a bloody nose right in the middle of the show once. And I was doing a dance sequence and mine and this other girls legs smacked into each other and she fell. She was okay though.

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1: Favorite show in general?
2:Favorite show you've done?
The Little Mermaid
3: Favorite show you've seen?
5: Favorite cast recording?
6: Favorite character you've played?
7: How hard is tap dancing (for scientific purposes)?
Never done tap dacning but I plan to start lessons
8: Dream roles?
Scarecrow for The Wizard of Oz.
9: Any onstage mishaps or mixups?
One time my shoe came off in two different shows.
Another time someone got sick on the show day and I had to learn their lines for their small scene (ACT 2 SCENE 1). Then they got better but when we were performing on the night (that very night), they were backstage and they didn't know that intermission was over. My friend said that I had to go on because I was the only other person who knew the lines and there was no time to fetch the kid backstage. So I went onstage…….. and forgot to bring on my prop. But thankfully the guy picks it up quickly ducked backstage and got it. Phew. In a way, I saved the show.

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OH MY GOSH! I am so sorry for you. I can't even…. I'm actually crying. Wow. I'm speechless and I can't even… I feel so bad for you! D:


1: Favorite show in general?
Into the Woods
2:Favorite show you've done?
Music Man
3: Favorite show you've seen?
Phantom of the Opera
5: Favorite cast recording?
Into the Woods Original Broadway Cast
6: Favorite character you've played?
Emily Webb (Our Town)
7: How hard is tap dancing (for scientific purposes)?
8: Dream roles?
Millie (Thoroughly Modern Millie) Cinderella (Into the Woods) really any quirky character in any show
9: Any onstage mishaps or mixups?
Almost knocking over a bench? Lol does that count?
10: (Sorry I'm adding this lol) Currently in:
The Lottery (Mrs. Watson) Lafayette NO.1 (Marie)


1: Favorite show in general? I don't know
2:Favorite show you've done? I've done like, 3. Psalty's Christmas Calamity at my church, a Snow White reboot, and I played Lysander (they didn't have enogh dudes) in my homeschool groups eproduction of a Midsummer Night’s Dream
3: Favorite show you've seen? Shrek (my bff was in it)
5: Favorite cast recording? um…w0t?
6: Favorite character you've played?
TREE #4!
or maybe that one girl in Psalty
7: How hard is tap dancing (for scientific purposes)?
Never tried, but I want to
8: Dream roles?
Probably any major character that does some cool dance.
9: Any onstage mishaps or mixups?
In Psalty's christmas calamity, they wash his "pages" (he's a frickin book) and they shrink. We had a big sheet and a small sheet for the music. We "wash" the big sheet and pull out the small sheet. For the first performance, we had a practice. When we finish holding up the small sheet and "putting it back in" the book, we throw it behind us. Someone forgot to put the sheet back in the washbin that we used, so we just had to hold up the big sheet and be like "Oh no, it shrunk!". My youth pastor said he hardly even noticed. Thanks, Jason!

In Snow White, we had bats who did a dance and worked for the queen. All of the bats were like five. The assistant director was one of my sister’s friends, and she told me afterwards that one of the bats pooped herself backstage, and she had to go through the audience trying to find the girl’s mom and tell her that her kid crapped herself. I laughed SO hard that day.

In a Midsummer Night's dream as a main character (I'm a girl, I played a lead boy) I forgot half of my lines (the small ones)
Oh boi.

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my fave character i have played was probably Audrey 2 in little shop o horrors