forum The Umbrella Academy
Started by @StarkSpangledMayflower

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Aah, I don't like what she did to her daughter but I understand

Honestly my favourite part in the whole season 1 was when five came back, or when they were sarcastic towards their fathers death


ok but same
i’m pretty sure at least one of these is in season two but i like the parts where Klaus is listening to music while everyone fights and the parts where Five fights a bunch of dudes (so apparently i like action scenes huh who knew lol)


Idk, I kinda liked how unaware they were, I hated how Leonard/Harold died, it should have been more worse tbh, he didnt deserve a death like that considering g all the pain he caused and how he was the cause to the apocalypse

I also didn't like when Hazel and donut lady got togather,that was too weird for me



The seven lol
Luther had super strength

Allison was an empath, changing peoples mind and emotions

Diego was an assassin? Did he have any powers?

Five had time warp

Klaus was a necromancer

Ben had a weird tentacle thing

And Vanya had suppressed sound manipulation


oh i just finished the hotel oblivion arc from the comics! it was interesting seeing the differences between the show and the comic. My fav characters are probably five and klaus


I havent read the comics. I only found out about the show through pinterest and all the commentary people had about it

I've been dying to find the comics and compare both things


i really reccomend them! gabriel ba's artwork really enhances the story, and gerard's writing is super good. i was able to find the first volume at barnes and noble, you could also try amazon too


also comic shops tend to carry at least the first volume from what ive seen, you might have more trouble finding the second and third though