forum The Tumblr Of Notebook
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Deleted user

Lost but okay boomers you have fun with your game (I call everyone Boomer now. Tis a term of endearment)



I may have made a roleplay that you don't need to know the game to be able to join and enjoy and I honestly don't know how many people are gonna want to join it so if you're interested it's there


Completely off topic but I was watching youtube and this Cursed ThoughtTM crossed my mind and I need to share this.

In The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, there's a character named Ravi. He's basically a counterpart to Link.

In The Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild, there's a character named Revali. He's the Rito champion and an asshole.

If you combine their names you get Ravioli. Congrats you can't unlearn that now

@d-r-e-a-m-s-e-q-u-e-n-c-e group

Completely off topic but I was watching youtube and this Cursed ThoughtTM crossed my mind and I need to share this.

In The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, there's a character named Ravi. He's basically a counterpart to Link.

In The Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild, there's a character named Revali. He's the Rito champion and an asshole.

If you combine their names you get Ravioli. Congrats you can't unlearn that now

aw hell


Completely off topic but I was watching youtube and this Cursed ThoughtTM crossed my mind and I need to share this.

In The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, there's a character named Ravi. He's basically a counterpart to Link.

In The Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild, there's a character named Revali. He's the Rito champion and an asshole.

If you combine their names you get Ravioli. Congrats you can't unlearn that now

This entire thing is just as annoying as sarashala’s name

Deleted user

Should we bang Aliens and have alien baby crossbreeds? Since aliens are real now.

Deleted user

Keep in mind we dunno what aliens look like or how they reproduce

Deleted user

Hey. It's just tumblr. Post whatever Ella. I just thought it's a random weird topic that some fellow strange peeps would like. OKAY NEXT TOPIC OF DISCUSSION!

HOW FRIGGIN CUTE CATS AND DOGS! ALL PETS ARE CUTE! NO HATE! Snakes? With their booper snoots, love em. Spiders? Fuzzy but feisty, the next cat. Lizards? Scaly blew bois, who could hate that??? Birds? Great alarm clocks, and so pretty too! LET'S DISCUSS ANIMALS!


as an ace I will NOT be banging anyone, aliens included

Bruh I really want to get a cockatiel, but I don't have a job so I can't pay for it or the other expenses that would come with it. They're beautiful birds, though! Right now I have three dogs, a cat, and a turtle, but only one of them is really mine in any sense, and even then that's just because I'm his favorite. if I get a cockatiel though I think I'm gonna name it Pikachu because LOOK AT THEM