forum the School Bully trope is dumb
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Deleted user

Question: Why the hell do so many movies about a kid in high school/ middle school with incredible abilities have to be bullied. I don't hate the trope, but I just think it's really stupid when there are movies made in the '90s and 2010s that have the same carbon copy bully trope. Like, WHY?!?!

@Becfromthedead group

Not to mention how unrealistic the bullying usually is, and how it kind of glosses over the fact that bullying can be permanently damaging and just treats it as a temporary inconvenience to the protagonist, you know?
I agree that all of the cases are too similar… it’s dumb. I also think there’s a disproportional amount of physical bullying portrayed in literature.

Deleted user

Not to mention how unrealistic the bullying usually is, and how it kind of glosses over the fact that bullying can be permanently damaging and just treats it as a temporary inconvenience to the protagonist, you know?
I agree that all of the cases are too similar… it’s dumb. I also think there’s a disproportional amount of physical bullying portrayed in literature.

Yeah, especially in books you can go more in-depth with verbal abuse and bullying, explaining exactly how an insult can hurt or damage a character, but it seems like physical bullying is the more popular option.