forum The road trip to Dom
Started by @Rainy_is_back

people_alt 65 followers

@Pickles group


^^^^^ if you were interested, sorry, but it's not plausible to ride cross country on a llama with 20 people
And if it was, I think that's considered animal abuse

@Pickles group

Yeah, one llama can’t support all that weight. And I don’t think we could actually all for on one llama, unless it’s a really big llama?

No, it's a really big llama. The llama is for us, the alpaca is to carry all of our stuff. If need be, some of us can walk part of the way, but I refuse to have more than one llama unless we get 30 or more people

Yeah we have almost 20 maybe we should do two really big llamas

@Pickles group

We need to decide who's making the maps and everyone needs to PM them with what state they will be needing picked up at. Or we can make a chat solely for that so it's all in one spot and uninterrupted by other planning

@Pickles group

(also, I think there's still stuff we need but idk what it is. If someone could take either water or sunscreen so I don't have to take both, that would be appreciated. And there might be other people bringing more than one thing but I don't remember)

@saor_illust school

(Imma just list what states I think everyone is in:) (I just realized I'm big dum I already had both Galaxy's)
Dom and Eris: Washington
Rachel and Ravens: Oregon
Lizzie: California
Pyro: Colorado
Ellie and GalaxyWolf: Texas
Altrince: Thailand
Nia: Australia
Miri and Jynnie: Wisconsin
Jake: Nebraska
Ella: Missouri (Also technically me but I'm flying into Nebraska from Washington)
Jay: Michigan
Wolfheart: Ontario
Pickles and GalaxyUnicorn: Ohio
A and Coral: Indiana (Don't ask me who those are, I don't know)
Rainy: Illinois

Did I get everyone correctly?