forum The problems with being a Pantser
Started by @ArtisticKnifepoint

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For all of you who don't know what at Pantser is, a Pantser is a person that doesn't plot out there stories. They basically just write whatever comes to mind, and just go with it. However, this can lead to some problems, and I want you to tell me some of the problems you've had if you're a Pantser!

I once changed from first person to third person literally in the middle of dialogue. I also made changes to the main antagonist, and changed his name from Alex to Brier, but I forgot to change it in the story. WOOPS


Honestly, I'm a major Pantser. I once did the same thing with the names! I also may have written the same parts of one chapter into another chapter because I forgot what I had done. . .


@pandagal72 If you want to know how my stories start off, I literally day-dream a scenario up, and decide that I want to write about it. My current story, The Things, is probably the first story I've stuck to for a period of time longer than 2 weeks/one month.


lol There is one story that I've had for almost a year now (three months to go), and it's pretty good. Some of mine kind of drop off in the middle because, well, yeah. I do the same thing, thinking of something cool and writing about it!


When I don't plan anything, I end up with what I call pockets of plot. Basically, I lose focus of the main plot and create side plots that either have nothing to do with the actual plot or they don't further the plot enough for the time spent on them. It's also hard to figure out where to go next when you don't have an outline. I prefer a really loose outline that shows me where I'm going and what needs to happen, so that I have the freedom of a pantser without the burdens of one.


I used to be like this back in the days of yore, but now I have the opposite problem where I'll refuse to write anything until I have a clear and set timeline of events. I think I've been worldbuilding and plotting for a year now for a story that is quickly becoming irrelevant in the grand scheme of things, but oh well. At least I have fun!

There's a timeline program that I use that is excellent for plotting stories, but I can't even really recommend it because to get it's full use you gotta pay top dollar for it, and it has a bit of a learning curve :/

(It's Aeon Timeline if anyone's really interested)


For me, whenever I can't write about the main plot, I end up writing ideas for events down the road. Of coarse, I never actually get to that point (because I usually ditch the story), but I just have a ton of stupid idea's taking up space on my Google Drive, Microsoft Word pad, and other places I put them.