forum The prequels r amazing u guys should shut up
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

I was being sarcastic, the Star Wars prequels are a trainwreck. Who wants to discuss their greatness?

Deleted user

Episode 2's only redeemable quality is anakin talking about sand what is life

Deleted user

Phew, I though I was gonna have to come here and say welllll, I mean……. sure? But there’s so many bad things
Attack of the Clones is just… why
It’s probably the worst out of all of them

Episode 1 is worse. Like, the pod racing scene is super boring and drawn-out with barely any music. Screw that, episode 1 is boring period.


Phew, I though I was gonna have to come here and say welllll, I mean……. sure? But there’s so many bad things
Attack of the Clones is just… why
It’s probably the worst out of all of them

Episode 1 is worse. Like, the pod racing scene is super boring and drawn-out with barely any music. Screw that, episode 1 is boring period.

Wait, there wasn’t any music? Wow… I tend to ignore everything about the prequels and focus on my favorite of the movies, The Empire Strikes Back

Deleted user

Phew, I though I was gonna have to come here and say welllll, I mean……. sure? But there’s so many bad things
Attack of the Clones is just… why
It’s probably the worst out of all of them

Episode 1 is worse. Like, the pod racing scene is super boring and drawn-out with barely any music. Screw that, episode 1 is boring period.

Wait, there wasn’t any music? Wow… I tend to ignore everything about the prequels and focus on my favorite of the movies, The Empire Strikes Back

Yeah, there's a bit of music in between, but most of it is just shots of young Anakin and some alien turning their pods, maneuvering around corners, no music, just the sounds of the pod's engines with the same shots over and over again.


Honestly I don't mind the prequels. I mean, they're not great but they did give us The Clone Wars.

Never watched the prequels, but I know what happens in them, But Clone Wars is the best!

Deleted user

Honestly I don't mind the prequels. I mean, they're not great but they did give us The Clone Wars.

True. I wish Anakin's characterization in the prequels was as good as his portrayal in clone wars.

Deleted user

My friend showed me a clip of Darth Vader with young Anakin's voice and it was terrifying

That sounds amazing tho I cannot compute


I'll try find the link
But it traumatized me almost as much as the same friend in question making a list of everything that contains sand

Deleted user

I'll try find the link
But it traumatized me almost as much as the same friend in question making a list of everything that contains sand

Inner Anakin screams

@HighPockets group

Honestly I don't mind the prequels. I mean, they're not great but they did give us The Clone Wars.

True. I wish Anakin's characterization in the prequels was as good as his portrayal in clone wars.

Yeah agreed!!!