forum The Other Discussion Boards
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

I'm going to drop a problem I have with the site's discussion boards here.
This site,, is home to many, many different discussion boards, most of which are collecting dust. You will find ones that haven't received a comment in an hour. Which isn't bad. Then you see the boards that have been abandoned for a solid month or two, even longer. I appreciate the inclusion of these boards, but I feel like they deserve promotion aside from the fact that they exist. Why not prompt users using one of the many Worldbuilding files to check out a related board? As an example, say I'm using the 'items' section, so a bar on the side recommends I check out the 'items' discussion board.
There's also the fact that the boards look incredibly similar to one another. Perhaps some simplistic background artwork or even a logo could be added next to the board to indicate what it's about, or a colored border could be placed around each discussion.
Why not promote different boards, right on the front page? Say, if I have a Universe tagged with "Science fiction", then a recommendation would pop up telling me to check out the science fiction discussion in the genre lounge.
Who knows, maybe I'm petty.
If anyone is reading this, I'd recommend you go and look around the discussion boards, make your first comment on the board, even. Clean those little dust collectors off.

Deleted user

I kinda like the idea of those recommendation things, but don’t you think that it would be a bit annoying sometimes? Like if you have already checked out the board and decided that you don’t wanna comment on it but it still pops up all the time? Other than that your ideas seem great!

@TeamMezzo group

I kinda like the idea of those recommendation things, but don’t you think that it would be a bit annoying sometimes? Like if you have already checked out the board and decided that you don’t wanna comment on it but it still pops up all the time? Other than that your ideas seem great!

Maybe if there's an "I'm not interested" button, then you can say "yeah no don't show up anymore"?

Deleted user

I actually commented on some of the less used boards but no one responded… sad.

Deleted user

I actually commented on some of the less used boards but no one responded… sad.

The more people who see this post, the more who will give other boards a shot and even comment on them. The problem lies with the fact that not many will commit or look at this post.