forum The Mortal Instruments
Started by Deleted user

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Deleted user

Has anyone read TMI? I'm currently in the middle of rereading City of Bones, and I really want to chat to someone about it.

Deleted user

honestly, Jace is the most aggravating character I've ever read about, but I love him so much.

Deleted user

I haven't read those yet! I'm planning on actually reading everything in the Shadowhunters world because I've only read TMI but I have all the books.


Oh my god, TID is so incredible. Her newest series is a bit hars to get through but still good. And Shadowhunter Academy, I love, and I haven't read the Bane Chronicles but I have them… and so many more books are to come

@Becfromthedead group

Yeah, TID is really, really good. If you ever have the opportunity, you should read it for sure.
In regards to TMI, though, I have to say that Sebastian is a top-tier villain. I don't like him at all. I hate him, in fact, but he's so perfectly deceptive.

@Becfromthedead group

Oh my god, TID is so incredible. Her newest series is a bit hars to get through but still good. And Shadowhunter Academy, I love, and I haven't read the Bane Chronicles but I have them… and so many more books are to come

You mean The Dark Artifices? I never started reading those. I wasn't sure I was interested. I have one of the Bane Chronicles books sitting on my shelf (I bought it used for $3), but I've yet to read it.

Deleted user

have you guys watched the show? I honestly have no interest in watching it, because from what I've seen they change up a lot of things. Plus, I don't really like Jace's actor.

Deleted user

One of my friends has watched it and didn't read the books, and I told her about the Jace and Clary being "related" thing, and she had no idea what I was talking about. So I guess they completely cut that out of the show.

Deleted user

yeah, I figured. I heard that the third season is gonna be about Lilith?

@Becfromthedead group

I feel awful. I don't remember much about the books aside from the TID books.
Question though: what are your opinions on Jordan Kyle? I loved him, but no one else that I know even likes him.

Deleted user

He was the werewolf, right? I didn't mind him, but I don't really remember him.

@Becfromthedead group

Yeah, I'm not sure why I liked him. Maybe it's just werewolf characters in general (I'm talking about you, Remus Lupin) that I like, or maybe it's just underrated characters who get killed off.