forum The Ladies Strike Back! (Females Only)
Started by @RhysTheFirebird group

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i just want to say, for the record, i felt so bad arguing with y'all

It's fine college already gives me migraines.

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

i just want to say, for the record, i felt so bad arguing with y'all

Pats on the back
Don’t worry, we know most of y’all were doing it for the bit. Hell, this chat was also for the bit. No idea what BlackImposter expected from this place

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Ayo hi, so one: Lied about being a guy, I’m an afab enby that was trolling BlackImposter with the rest for being a gross misogynist, Swim actually is my fiancé though and I will admit that everything they have said is true about me whining about not getting snuggles, and I’m a proud supporter of equal rights. We’re pretty sure Black deleted the chat so peace has been restored and hopefully he learned a lesson


Ayo hi, so one: Lied about being a guy, I’m an afab enby that was trolling BlackImposter with the rest for being a gross misogynist, Swim actually is my fiancé though and I will admit that everything they have said is true about me whining about not getting snuggles, and I’m a proud supporter of equal rights. We’re pretty sure Black deleted the chat so peace has been restored and hopefully he learned a lesson

Yeppp, all true here. Also afab maybe enby (working out the kinks on that one gender is not cooperating with me), joined late in the trolling cause it looked fun, all who joined support equal rights and not being a misogynist thus why we made our little act

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Nothing wrong with wanting snuggles. Are yall sitting next to each other writing this? That'd lowkey be funny if you were

No, unfortunately we’re in separate states rn for work and school, which is why I whine about wanting cuddles. XD We were conversing in Discord tho