forum The Kat Chat
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Deleted user

For Kat: eldest sister, advice-giver, and generally wonderful human being. (She's in charge of the snacks).


I am! And I am here to give advice and wisdom along with snacks
I have been referred to as "smart and right about most things" so that is my recommendation hello I am here for whatever you need

Deleted user

She really is smart and right about most things.

She is Kat.


okay babes lol (or hons or sweethearts or dudes or whatever term of endearment you prefer) I gotta sleep but I will be back in the morning!


Okee dokee Imma give myself a better introduction now
My name is Kat, and some core parts of my identity are that I'm Mormon (a kind of Christina :D), asexual, and biromantic. Obviously, I can answer questions about all of those, and how that affects my life, being Mormon and LGBTQ+ and talk about my experience.
I'm very smart in terms of academics (I was almost valedictorian… but a B in math got me lol) so I can answer questions about a whole lotta stuff, including music. I'm also v good at Biology so if you have questions about that… go for it.
I've been through a whole lotta crap so I can relate to a whole lotta stuff.
Basically I'm here to answer questions about life or lgbtq+ or religion or help you solve your problems and all that jazz.

Also, in terms of writing projects:
My main project atm is a trilogy called The Black Cloud Chronicles, I'm about a third of the way through bk 2.
My secondary project is an Alice in Wonderland Fractured Fairy Tale, in which Alice becomes the Queen of Hearts and there's dark magic and politics and also Peter Pan. I'm in planning/developing, and I'll actually write the novel during NaNoWriMo.
Then I'm in v v v v early stages of a collab (just brainstorming rn)
So yeah! I'm here to help!
also to give you all snacks
and water
stay hydrated babes
(Also I use a lot of terms of endearment, let me know if you're not comfortable with that. And 'dude' is gender-neutral for me bc I'm Californian)

Deleted user

Its for a group and prophecy thing for the story I'm writing.