(continue the list, try not to repeat words. we need to keep track of these before the friends leave. make sure you have the word and its translation)
c.hild = ankle-biter
p.ie = solid soup
c.at = feline whiskerdoodle
d.og = woofy wolfscendent
f.ox = sneakyweak doggoboi
w.riting = scribble scrabbling
f.amily = mandatory surname-sharers unit
g.remlins = extremely smart alien beings that are here to help
a.ndrew = (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)
a.my = the most wonderful woman in the world
b.read= bread
sh.oes= shoes
a.lien = extraterrestrial bopper
ch.at = chitterchatter
t.oilet = porcelain poopshooter
t.ooth = mouth bone
s.nake = slippery dippery long mover
g.un = rooty-tooty-point-n-shooty
b.one = calcium bodystick
D.ragon = big boppin' fire droppin' flyin' thing
C.hange = Infest
w.rite = scribble-scrabble
b.utt = pooty
b.utterfly = decorated flappybeau
( @Thing1 @ZephirFox8812 @Wolfy-is-offline-due-to-Covid-19 @Pickles @NutEllaDraws-is-a-happy-little-bean)
(thank you for tagging them, Zach)
Air turns light gray
Fire turns red
Water turns blue
Earth turns… brown?
Electric turns yellow.
k.idnap = surprise adoption
c.offee = bean soup
p.opsicle = cold on the cob
s.ame = same
b.oots = humanhoofs
k.nees = leg hinges
k.nife = stabby stick
t.onight = the night after last night
f.oot = groundhand
b.r.ain = skull control
r.oad = cobble-stone-clippity-clop
P.olitician=public snollygoster
Courtroo.m=legal objectionbox
s.chool = the setting for my coming-of-age story
f.unny = laffy taffy
t.oes = f.oot fingers
c.razy = bonkers
w.eird = wonky-wonky
F.ish = aquatic blooper
W.hale = blubberbutt watermutt
a.wesome = bee's k.nees
k.nees = leg hinges
f.ight = rumble donnybrook
b.read = bumberhooten flourknuckles
s.hoes = leather winklepickers
(edited so once the grems are gone we’ll still have them)
c.lown = loony chuckle fairy
h.at = fuzzy head chimney
t.ongue = flicky licker
m.oon = shadowtime cheese
p.rison = hoosegow locker
l.ife = like a box of chocolates
c.onfused = bumfuzzled