forum The Greatest Puns in History
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

So I was working on my book today, when, suddenly, I wrote a genius sentence. For context, there are these two villains, one is named Asterisk, and the other Iris. I named one of them Iris because some of my characters have flower names and his irises are silver.
"Cough**cough I, are you okay?! cough" Struggled Asterisk.
that is the beautiful sentence I wrote. I'm not going to explain why I love it so much, just read it.
Please feel free to write down more excellent puns.



Oh look, my favorite Disney channel

um I don't have cable so I don't watch Disney channel so could you please elaborate on what you mean by that thanks

Deleted user

There is a Disney Channel "branch" that's called Disney XD. It's pretty much Marvel and the boyish type of disney shows.

And then there's Disney XP… that one time they tried to make a video game based block… it was awful…