forum The Fam Chat
Started by @ThatBackgroundSlytherin

people_alt 5 followers

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Aren't you worried about you know, people using that image to find out where you live? NO offense to anyone.

I don't live there

Deleted user

I read it got an account on watt pad and liked your book!

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Yeah I can tell! I won't ever get my stories to that perfection !

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My old writing is pretty bad too, but that doesn't mean my writing now has improved alot. 😂

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Ok my books I've made have been short cause I'm young and don't have any ideas and uh I'm not very descriptive…


Ok my books I've made have been short cause I'm young and don't have any ideas and uh I'm not very descriptive…

Well that's fine, you're young and you've got so many years to improve! Describing things is really difficult anyway lol. I just recently started to get the hang of it

Deleted user

Thx :) I accidentally posted an unfinished chapter/prologue thingie 😥😥😥😥😥😥😥

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I'll have to check it out tommorow :( My wifi decided to hate me right now and I can barely access notebook without it freezing or having error and I can't access wattpad at all. 😭
Also, goodnight! I got to go to bed now! See ya tomorrow!