Started by @ThatBackgroundSlytherin

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ACTUALLY I just read it all
Ty, hon
we love you
and we know that life sucks sometimes
but it does get better
I promise
like, it's never perfect
but I promise you
It has happened to me
It does get better
you find friends and family and you find your chosen family
and they love you so much
don't give up love


Listen, I'm getting grounded
Actually my siblings are getting grounded but I, for some reason, must suffer the grounding too
So I won't be on for about a week


My siblings were about to murder each other
And when we get to that point my parent's call a no tablet week
Which means no tech
I might be able to keep my computer but don't want to jinx it though
The weird thing is that I'm so laid-back rn it's so weird I haven't yelled at anyone for like………….Idk, two weeks? Maybe longer?
A record for me


If I have no tech this week I shall hide in my room re-reading every book I have and working on my own books on paper.