forum the daddy issues chat
Started by @cryptic-glitch

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alright this has been dead for a hot minute but
my dad is a colossal asshole
the other day it was his birthday and he invited us to go to the movies with him to see Raya And The Last Dragon (all covid precautions taken) and all of a sudden, today, the day we're supposed to go, he says he has 'an appointment?' and now he wants to see a later time but i'm not going to go because he can fuck himself and it's only fifteen minutes later than the original showing and I don't know why. he always talks about how he wants a better relationship with us kids and then he pulls this stunt? i hate him so much. i can't believe he would do this. i was actually looking forward to this, and now he's gone and fucked it up for me.

@requiemisback language

agh that sounds awful.
i have two dads, and both of them suck, but one of em in particular is rattlin' my bones real bad.
he like… always talks about me to the other behind my back and i'm like "??? if you have something to say abt me say it to my face" and he also likes to yell at me for the smallest things. one time he got mad and shouted at me for having an obsession with fictional characters even though i had told him about it before and he was fine with it then but now he's like ">:["
i ignore him now but god do i hate him.

@The-Magician group

They ended their relationship soon after that day, so it’s chill. I remember that for a good 12 years I wanted to know my dad, and the only time I spoke to him was once on the phone when I was 7, but now I don’t want to know him and am busy avoiding my stepdad all day