Ok so this is more of a serious topic; but I do encourage everyone to donate or at the very least spread the link around. https://gf.me/u/x3krz8
It’s for a 17 year old named Salma Bashir, and she needs organ transplants for a total cost of around 4 million dollars, which is really expensive. We’ve only got a little over 400000 dollars right now so it would be of great help to just share the gofundme.
The name's Higgs. The pawticwe of God that pewmeates aww existence. Ah, so it was you who dwagged him into aww this? Heh. Bwoodied but unbowed. sniff… Bwidget Stwand is dead? Amewica's wast pwesident. Dead and buwned. sniff… Oh, and now the giww's been chosen to take mommy's pwace… Weww that won't wash. She's not cut out fow powitics, is she? Oh, but don't wowwy. I'ww find hew. I'ww keep hew weaw safe. You see, I've come to undewstand the twuth of the Death Stwanding. Oh, thewe's so much you peopwe don't know. The giww, fow instance-she's not wike you ow me. DOOMS ain't hew thing. She's mowe into destwuction on a wowwdwide scawe. An Extinction Entity. Oh, it's so hawd to fowm connections when you can't shake hands… Fowtunatewy, I've got a good connection to the othew side. Now you? You'we no Bwidge. But me? I'm bound to aww of it-this wowwd, that wowwd, and ouw sweet wittwe angew of death. You'we on the menu. Aww it'ww take is one itty-bitty voidout to bwow us aww to kingdom come! So how 'bout it? Awen't you getting tiwed of the gwind? Isn't this what you've been waiting fow the whowe time? A game ovew?