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Deleted user

I'm not going to be able to handle this shit guys. Imma cry my eyes out

Deleted user


Deleted user

Shuri-senpai - it's honestly the best way to get into it in my opinion. That way you have all the original story lines and what not.


Shuri-senpai - it's honestly the best way to get into it in my opinion. That way you have all the original story lines and what not.

Yeah… Plus the characters are way more fleshed out and the stories are waaay crazier… And you can be a snob about it in the movies.
Like me!

@faltering-through pets

Because she doesn't like that type of stuff. She also does like me playing video games or watching anime, not to mention that she also kinda doesn't like me reading books (becaus3 according to her it's bad to read a lot of books in a short period of time) there was also a point where she demanded to know what I was writing and threw out my notebooks and I was completely livid at her for a month

@faltering-through pets

Sleep lmao but I actually have to do all that without getting caught (so she doesn't know where I keep my notebooks or that I still watch anime and get books from the library) or else there'd be hell to pay. Look, I don't want to say that my mom is this horrible being but she does have a very complicated personality and I totally respect that because despite all this she's still my mom and I love her to death