Started by @Waluigi-Life-Or-Kill-Me-With-Dead-Memes

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@Mercury Beta Tester

That is true but he mostly killed adults.

And that's okay? It's okay to murder people as long as they're 18 or older?

Don't you know, in the Marvel Universe the age of consent for murder is 18


That is true but he mostly killed adults.

And that's okay? It's okay to murder people as long as they're 18 or older?

Don't you know, in the Marvel Universe the age of consent for murder is 18

Does that make it right? I don't know of any kids Ultron killed, but we're still comparing him.

Deleted user

That is true but he mostly killed adults.

And that's okay? It's okay to murder people as long as they're 18 or older?

Don't you know, in the Marvel Universe the age of consent for murder is 18

Does that make it right? I don't know of any kids Ultron killed, but we're still comparing him.


@Mercury Beta Tester

Don't you know, in the Marvel Universe the age of consent for murder is 18

Does that make it right? I don't know of any kids Ultron killed, but we're still comparing him.

Nah I'm jk about the legal thing. It still wouldn't make it right if it were a thing though

@Mercury Beta Tester

It’s mostly the random people that die in the avengers comics and movies.

They're random to us but they have individual lives. They could be about to change their life for the better, run local businesses, have someone like a child or elderly person rely on them, have families that will never see them come home etc.


It’s mostly the random people that die in the avengers comics and movies.

They're random to us but they have individual lives. They could be about to change their life for the better, run local businesses, have someone like a child or elderly person rely on them, have families that will never see them come home etc.

Exactly! The remaining people are gonna be sad when half of their family dies.

Deleted user

Exactly. He even deleted the bad guy Loki, because of his evil acts. Thanks did technically do lots more good then bad. Let’s see, Loki has done way worse then Thanos ever did, Thanos went through so much for earth…



Exactly. He even deleted the bad guy Loki, because of his evil acts. Thanks did technically do lots more good then bad. Let’s see, Loki has done way worse then Thanos ever did, Thanos went through so much for earth…


He didn’t “delete” Loki lmao. He killed loki bc loki was gonna kill him. It was self defense

And Loki did a lot for earth too, hello. He formed the goddamn Avengers, which they wouldn’t have been able to defeat anyone, if it wasn’t for him, including Thanos.

Also, all Thanos “did” for earth, was snap half the population. Presumably adding children and teens, on top of the dead adults. Plus, our boy peter is still a teen in infinity war.

He didn’t go through much. Boo hoo, the guy murdered a bunch of people. Including his own “adopted” daughter. I don’t think he deserves much sympathy.


Guys! Maybe it wasn't for the right reason! He had that power to give them food, but he didn't. Do you really think he was stupid enough to not think about giving them what they needed instead? It could have been an excuse to murder half the population.


Guys! Maybe it wasn't for the right reason! He had that power to give them food, but he didn't. Do you really think he was stupid enough to not think about giving them what they needed instead? It could have been an excuse to murder half the population.

Oof yeah that's actually really smart

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Exactly. He even deleted the bad guy Loki, because of his evil acts. Thanks did technically do lots more good then bad. Let’s see, Loki has done way worse then Thanos ever did, Thanos went through so much for earth…

ducks head in Okay, I just have to say that Loki is not a bad guy anymore, at least in my opinion. leaves


Guys! Maybe it wasn't for the right reason! He had that power to give them food, but he didn't. Do you really think he was stupid enough to not think about giving them what they needed instead? It could have been an excuse to murder half the population.

Oof yeah that's actually really smart

That's what I've been saying the whole time…