forum Tell Us You Exist by Talking... On Camera!
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@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Can I have a skull?

You've already got one :)

One that isn't in use

Don't you have a brother?

I asked him and he ran away
My sister gave me a doll head so that's a plus

@Pickles group

What is happening why are we taking each other's bones

do you want my bones

Don't you fucking dare
You already said I could have them


What is happening why are we taking each other's bones

do you want my bones

Don't you fucking dare
You already said I could have them

as long as someone takes my bones
i don’t want them

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

What is happening why are we taking each other's bones

do you want my bones

Don't you fucking dare
You already said I could have them

someone take my bones

Dibs on your skull

Deleted user

Ooo. B o ne s.
My favourite cronchy snack.

Wrist smack Don't eat them. They're for decoration and research

No they make good snacks too

@Kie group

Y'all keep your grubby lil fingers off my bones

🦴 🦴 🦴 αƒš(○ↀωↀ○)αƒš

Deleted user

Love to suck that good good bone juice
that lovely insides of the boney bois