Started by @Say-Hello-to-the-Rugs-Topology

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ok so one time, i had a dream that there was a terrible monster living in my sister's bedroom. No one ever went in there, and life continued as normal. Except one day, (the details ae foggy here) I was a gerbil , and got confused and went into the room. (because i was a gerbil) The monster was actually a mummy, and I ended up doing some kind of report with her. The blinds in the room were always closed, so i did everything in the dark. On the day to present our report, I turned on the light to grammar-check and stuff, and the mummy disintegrated into a puddle of skittles, but only the yellow ones.

i have many more. but.

@HighPockets group

I remember one where I was partnered with Kelly Marie Tran and on a scavenger hunt at a Toys R Us that had a semi-Costco food area attached. We won, it was awesome, a bunch of other actors and actresses were there too, Eddie Redmayne bought all of us ice cream. We also had to go on a hike down a highway.

Deleted user

I dreamt that Clone Wars was happening at my school and I was hiding under a desk having a full blown panic attack with a clone next to me..
It was really weird and scary.

@HighPockets group

Which clone?
I had a very weird dream that I was in the Battle of Manhattan in PJO. And one where I was Prim and had volunteered to save Katniss, and Haymitch pulled me out of the Games since I got stuck and almost drowned in the water tube we had to travel through to reach the arena.

Deleted user

Which clone?
I had a very weird dream that I was in the Battle of Manhattan in PJO. And one where I was Prim and had volunteered to save Katniss, and Haymitch pulled me out of the Games since I got stuck and almost drowned in the water tube we had to travel through to reach the arena.

It was Rex and then Cody tripped in front of us…
so I guess It was also an awkward dream?

@HighPockets group

Which clone?
I had a very weird dream that I was in the Battle of Manhattan in PJO. And one where I was Prim and had volunteered to save Katniss, and Haymitch pulled me out of the Games since I got stuck and almost drowned in the water tube we had to travel through to reach the arena.

It was Rex and then Cody tripped in front of us…
so I guess It was also an awkward dream?

Lol Cody

@HighPockets group

I dreamt that I was downtown with I don't even know who and my friend was in a car with two other people and smoke started pouring out and I had to drag him out before it exploded. It was terrifying.

Also I've had multiple dreams where my friends and I go to a massive mall at a weird deserted time and basically find whatever we most want.


Ok so I'm living in this mid evil village with my family when this evil queen lady kidnaps by brother and so my friend and I chase after the transport that's kinda like a train but not. We brake in using some epic magic and my other friend is there because apparently she's evil queen ladies daughter so she's the princess, any who she joins us and we end up getting hard core beaten and surrounded so we jump off this transport and we end up right behind the castle in this like basically slave village. except the slaves are all this different species and they turn blue when ever they lose at something or they touch anything blue, so my Friends duels one because I don't really remember while the princess and I are just hanging out with some different people while there fighting like, Aww look at our little stupid idiots fighting. My Friend wins and then like the queen shows up and we hide in a pile of jewelry until she leaves and then she leaves so we get out and we were about to storm the castle when I woke up.

@Starfast group

I never talk about this dream for some reason, and I don't know why because it's so weird and hilarious to me?

Anyways, I had a dream once where I was at a waterpark with my younger sister and some of her friends. We were in this really crowded pool and her and her friends kept trying to ditch me. They kept swimming away from me and I tried keeping up to them but eventually I got separated. I didn't see them anywhere and I was feeling kinda sad that they were trying to get rid of me so I went over and sat at the side of the pool.
I was just sitting there when suddenly the crowds of people kinda parted like the Red Sea and right in the middle was Whoopi Goldberg. She came over and sat next to me and said something along the lines of "The best way to get everyone to like you is to be a lemon square." And I just kinda looked at her and nodded like it was the best advice I'd ever gotten. And then I woke up.


I write down all my dreams in a "book plot" doc, they are kinda long but I put in a lot of detail-
(Whatever if this isn't exactly a "weird" dream, let me tell you a story!)

(MC), a 17-year-old boy, entered into a "ones in a lifetime" challenge. He enters with his girlfriend (SC)- a 16-year-old. (Note- Only people 16 and up can enter the challenge)

The Challenge takes place on a large Island, there is also a glass dome covering it. The first challenge is: people are split into groups (they are not a team) and placed into rooms, the ceiling has a square hole where you must climb through and get out, once out you find yourself in a maze of hallways. You must fight unarmed killers that will go after you (The killers are like crazy NPC). You then have to make it to the roof where you are giving a new outfit (Leather and fantasy looking clothes), a weapon or a power (Mind Reading, levitating, somewhat super speed, ext), and an egg. You must protect the egg from other players and Killers as you make your way out into the large territory of the old mansion. The egg then hatches and you get a mythical creature. (MC) gets a weak blue Amphithere while his girlfriend (SC) gets a Kestrel Wolf (A lean Tan/golden black colored wolf with black front bird legs, has feathers on its head and a tail, tail also has two hidden barbs to stab their enemy, very fast), she also got the power of Wall climbing. He doesn't get a power, only a black Elven bow.

After everyone's creature grows up (they grow fast) the food supplies is cut off. Everyone becomes cranky, and so they start killing the dragons (“Because dragons are a form of evil,” They all say) and eat them (They taste like alligator :), (MC) does all he can to keep his dragon safe, and since he is protecting “A form of evil”, people see him as a bad person, even his girlfriend left him, after breaking off their relationship because he was keeping his dragon alive.

All the players then break off into to two groups, the Hunters (the ones who are killing peoples creatures for food) and the Guardians (the opposite type (But they still hate dragon)), meanwhile when that's all happening, (MC) starts to grow his own hidden garden, he then gave the garden to a Hunter named {Supporting Character}. Once he regained his strength he then set off and started to protect dragons from the Hunters and Guardians, everyone then saw him as the “Dragon Lord” because dragons were now coming to him for protection.

The second level is broken, and everyone goes to the next world (island), where many wild beast roaming the area. Players start to tame new animals, but the killing of feral dragons continued. All the dragons attack the players on sight, but they don’t attack (MC) because they can sense if someone has killed one of their own kind and he never killed a dragon.

(MC) finds a large castle where all his new dragon's go. (MC) still has to fend off the castle with his dragon Gauvian (meaning May hawk- White hawk) from the Guardian team which is led by (SC) and her kestrel-wolf Lupa (Meaning She-wolf).
The battle raged for a few days before they were overrun. The dragons fled to the far side of the island. (MC) and Gauvian were trapped, but they managed to escape using the bathroom window.

They flee to the far side of the island where his dragons were waiting, but (SC) followed him. Another battle rages, several of (MC)s dragons died, but (MC) managed to kill Lupa (Her Kestrel-wolf), the death cased (SC) to go into a violent rage, nearly killing Gauvian and (MC), but with the help of his only friend (Supporting Character) and his mystical creator, Ray (A Luminae- A yellow/gold/white Phoenix type of bird that can make a light force field and can teleport short distances), they managed to save the remaining dragons and teleport them a safe distance away where they flew to the other side of the island and made a fort.

(Supporting Character) become (MC)’s deputy in a way, and oddly enough all the dragons seem to like him (He has the ability to communicate with any mythical creature.)

After another battle with the Guardians, (Supporting Character) gets his old team to join the “Dragon Lord”, and that name kinda stuck as their group name. Almost all the Hunter teams joined (MC)'s team, most of their guardians were dead so he gave them all one dragon for their new guardian.

(SC)'s team, The Guardians, are becoming stronger and they have even accepted a sea serpent into their forces. Now with the sea and land under their control, (MC) fly’s inland, to one of the largest islands in the whole dome. The edge of the island has sandy beaches, but it quickly turns to forestry terrain then into mountains. The place is cold and misty, but that is what (MC) needs, something that can conceal them. The mountain terrain was wonderful for ambushing, and when they first settled there they had to do a few ambushes on the Guardian team troops.
With the help of a few earth dragons, they made a new home underground. With (MC) as their king, all the dragons were appointed to their new jobs.

The dragon kingdom, now called ‘Drausir Clae’, finally beat the Guardians in a large battle that killed many humans and beast. The Guardian then left and fled back to the other island to regroup.

After a few weeks of rebuilding, (MC) then launches a final attack on the Guardians. It looked like they were going to win, but (SC) had a second group of people hiding under the earth. The battle seemed lost for a while, but everyone was equal so (MC) and (SC) call off the battle.

Since all the battles were getting the people nowhere they all focus on getting out of the dome, it had been three years since the game started, and they had only been fighting each other.
Combining forces, even though each team stuck to themselves, they focused all the dragons/beast firepower onto the dome. After a few week it was finally broke with the help of (Supporting Characters) Luminea bird.

 In the end, everyone was set free, they got to go back to their family's and keep their powers and mystical creatures. The teams still kept connected, and they even made their own kingdoms, The Guardians kept next to the sea with (SC) as their queen with her new boyfriend, Celio. (MC) too became the ruler, Dragon Keeper team fixed the hole in the dome and made it into a gateway, then they made their kingdom in there. The Guardians took that as a victory, even though they could still get out of the dome. 
At the end the public was forced to allow the teams to become their own small separate kingdoms, but the people with powers had to leave their families because the public would take them and put them in labs (Or whatnot), so they had to leave.
 (MC) team raided the old Guardian cities and castles, and to (MC)s surprise he found that both the Guardian and Hunter team looked at him as the enemy, he was the villain all along.


I was just sitting there when suddenly the crowds of people kinda parted like the Red Sea and right in the middle was Whoopi Goldberg. She came over and sat next to me and said something along the lines of "The best way to get everyone to like you is to be a lemon square." And I just kinda looked at her and nodded like it was the best advice I'd ever gotten. And then I woke up.

This one wins and it wasn't even a competition to begin with. Idk this one just made me laugh really hard thank you so much for sharing

@HighPockets group

I was just sitting there when suddenly the crowds of people kinda parted like the Red Sea and right in the middle was Whoopi Goldberg. She came over and sat next to me and said something along the lines of "The best way to get everyone to like you is to be a lemon square." And I just kinda looked at her and nodded like it was the best advice I'd ever gotten. And then I woke up.

This one wins and it wasn't even a competition to begin with. Idk this one just made me laugh really hard thank you so much for sharing

If someone gave me a lemon square, I'd be their friend no matter what. They could be a hecking serial killer and I wouldn't care because lemon squares are great! Okay, I guess I'd draw a line at serial killer, but you get it.

@Starfast group

This one wins and it wasn't even a competition to begin with. Idk this one just made me laugh really hard thank you so much for sharing

Lol well, there's plenty more where that came from. Granted, I don't think any of them will top that dream.

(I still don't know why Whoopi Goldberg was even appearing in my dream to begin with? Normally when celebrities appear in my dreams its usually like the singer from a band that I've been listening to or an actor from a show that I watched. Can't even remember the last time I saw a movie/tv show with Whoopi Goldberg in it lmao).

Deleted user

Winston Churchill doing the Macarena.
I have zero memory of why it happened or what was happening before but that’s the only thing that was just.