forum Tell Me Your Cat Stories
Started by @Pickles group

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@Pickles group

Tell me about what they do. What shenanigans go on in your house with them? They're interesting and I'm bored.
Cute dog stories welcome, no birds or ducks

@Pickles group

My cat jumped up on one of the chairs at the table and started sniffing at the potato skins and my sister fully shrieked that they were hers


i cri bc i don't even have one singular cat anymore-

smol one: at one point we had a cat that we named Panther, and if you opened just about any door he'd go in
you open bedroom door? there he'd go
you open a cupboard to get a pot? woop- he'd be in there now
you open the fridge?? he'd sit in there for a bit without a problem
the first time he went into the fridge, my mom immediately got me and told me to open the fridge and for a second i was confused bc there was cat
he was a good boy

@Pickles group

My dad had a present with a ribbon on it and it was on the floor and she started attacking it so he moved her. Then she sat there for twenty minutes waiting for him to let his guard down so she could attack it again. When he moved it to his lap, she jumped up and started eating it as he was opening it


I have two kitties, Figaro was super social today despite nipping at people if they pet him the wrong way, while Tigger was uncharacteristically skittish this morning. That might have been due to how loud it was today, though.


I told my cat merry Christmas today
She nearly killed me
I ran around the entire house to escape her wrath but the only way was to bolt into the bathroom and double-lock the door

@Pickles group

Mt sister got me a laser pointer and I tried to play with my cat, but she just…doesn't care. Also it was 60 degrees yesterday so I went outside to work on stuff and she sat in the window and watched me