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Started by @Shuri-the-Floof-Doggo

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My new OC! I'mma be using him later if he's well received, thanks… I'm gonna do it in RP template form!

Name: Samaeal Kundackii
Aliases: Slick, Smiley, Sammy, Sammie, Sammie-O, S.K., Pet…
Gender: He's definitely cis-male…
Sexuality: The gayest, fight me…
Age: Biologically 23, Chronologically 369…
Species: Familiar Demon, S-Class…
Background: Crawled hiscway out of Hell as a whelp, took many masters, ranging from Osei Kofei Tutu I, to Ford Maddox Brown, to Elizabeth I, to Biggie Smalls at one point. Remsins masterless since 2006…
Personality -
Suppressed Form: In his suppressed form, he pretends to be vain, but anyone who isn't an idiot csn see that he reallyis insecure and hates himself quite a lot. He is so socially awkward that he's actually cool. He is a very ice-cold character, frigid-blooded, so to speak, caring little about whst most think. He has a desire to please those he deems worthy. Another thing about Samaeal is that he is rather sophisticated, and manipulative, and often mischieviously playful. He rarely smiles, except in a mocking or playful leer.
True-Form: He retains his simpering-but-actually-hates-himself qualities, but only to an extent. Hot-headed, yet cold-blooded, he trades in his manipulative sophistication for savage brutality, becoming much more masochistic and sadistic, and waaay more morbid, and relies more on instinct thsn emotion or thought.
Appearance -
Suppressed Form: Samaeal is actually rather tall, at around maybe 6'2" or so in stature. He is fit, being lean, trim, and in-shape. He has thick, neatly ruffled (in a cool way) black hair, narrow blue-purple eyes, a patrician nose, and a strong jawline, with a neat stubble sometimes. He has a colorful butterfly tattoo on the nape of his neck. He also has smsll, sharp little black horns that sometimes blend in with his hair. Also has black nails, and a very long, lean, whiplike tail with a devilish, narrow spade-tip end.
True Form: Standing at a bit over 7', weighing in at a bit over 240 lb, he appears as the "Devil" in Salem did (look it up), as an upright doglike form, with his usual horns becoming longer, with a slight twist, and his devilish tail becoming longer, more whiplike. He is blackish turquoise with burgundy tinge.
Talents: In his suppressed form, he's a good cook, a great cleaner, and can play videogames very well.
Flaws: Has a streak of not being able to save his masters, hates himself way too much for no reason, a bad liar, ironically.
Powers: In his suppressed form, he has superhuman strength, stamina, agility, speed, durability and a healing factor, he has some very slightly canine powers such as superhuman sense of smell and hearing. In his true form, his physical prowess is almost doubled, his senses skyrocket, and he gains the ability to generate and reabsorb extra limbs.
Other: Often weilds a katana with a long blade thst has a dragon etched on it. Often wears a cool denim shirt.

Well… What are you waiting for? Rip him apart…

Deleted user

I am goods. I’m at lunch, and my friend is trying to be a Pokémon fan, but she isn’t.