Life can be really demotivating, and I find it's a lot easier to focus on the sad or difficult things than to remember the positive things that make life easier to get through. So this is my attempt at helping myself, and hopefully others, remember something that made us happy or just gave us a good laugh!
I'll start.
So just the other day, I was working a closing shift at my job. I work at a pretty well-known grocery store chain, which isn't all that relevant to the story asides from the fact that said store is pretty dang big and we close at 10 PM. Normally we have the MIC (manager in charge plus key-holder), FEC (front-end coordinator), two levelers (people who pull everything forward on the shelves and make it look pretty), one staff member who closes the cash office, and two people running the floor machines after closing.
This particular night I was running one of the floor machines. My fellow cleaner and I were busy putting the machines away at around 10:40 PM when our MIC walked into the mop room to check in on us. He clapped once and said something along the lines of, "Alright, you guys are the last ones to finish. We're getting out early tonight!" and he went back up to the front to let the others out and to wait for us.
Well, my coworker and I finished up cleaning the machines less than ten minutes later and head up to the breakroom to clock out. And as I'm walking back out to the front doors, I hear a faint beeping from the wall nearest to the door. I follow the noise and see the alarm keypad, and just had enough time to read out loud, "Enter passcode to disable alarm" before the alarm started BLARING.
Our manager had left us.
Now at this point, I was already laughing because at that exact moment, I looked out the doors and made eye contact with the cash office closer as she was driving away. There was that moment of widening eyes and the realization on both parties that we were locked in.
Luckily our MIC wasn't too far away yet! Although none of us had his phone number and we had to call another manager instead to call him on our behalf. The MIC came running back into the store like ten minutes later and punched in the code, then just turns to look at us all wide-eyed. "Oops."
I think my favorite part was the college-aged guys wandering over from the gym next door to check out the commotion (talk about zero survival skills!!), purely because of the way they peered through the glass and started laughing at the sight of me sitting on the floor with my headphones on and my coworker casually leaning against the counter scrolling on her phone while the alarm was screeching.
Maybe it's a little weird, but the chaos of it all made my week! It's also a really fun story to tell at work, and I just know it's going to be an inside joke with that manager from now on. I definitely wouldn't want it to happen again any time soon, but the whole thing felt very comical and out of the ordinary.