forum Tell Me About Yourself... Maybe I'm Curious?
Started by @Shuri-the-Floof-Doggo

people_alt 6 followers

Deleted user

Not many people around me are interested in combining mental illnesses with mbtis, zodiacs, and elements in an attempt to f&ck up my character's lives


i like to think that we like to talk about ourselves because its the only topic we really understand

I don't even think I we know ourselves as well as we think we do…

Deleted user

Favorite Color? Burgundy.
Favorite Beverage? Water.
Favorite Food? None.
Favorite Genre(s)? Sci-fi/Alternate History.
Favorite Animal? Cats.
Favorite City? San Francisco.
Favorite Season? Winter.

Some things you're good at? Reading books in literal hours. (600+ pages.)
Some things you're bad at? Interacting with humans and giving orders to people.
A few random facts? I want to kill myself 9 times out of 10.


I think we like talking about ourselves because normally we aren't ever asked about ourselves like this. We have things we want to tell people and let them know but we're either too shy or there is never the time and place to say these sorts of things. Even on dates or hanging out with friends.

No one asks so I don't tell. If they didn't ask, then they don't want to know.

At least that's what I do.