forum Tell me about the stories you've been working on
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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I'm trying to get myself back into a writing mood and one thing that helps me is watching everyone else talk about how much worldbuilding they've been doing, so throw some nonsensical blabber about your stories at me, even if it's in some other language. I won't judge.


It's called New Haven(if you wanna read it, it's on wattpad, unfinished), that's the name of the halfway house. Basically, it's a place for teens getting out of juvie, and they go and stay there for a year or so to assimilate kinda. They've even got a mascot, courtesy of my character Esme, a chicken named Macbeth! It's a feel good writing thing for me, because it's kind of about finding a family and getting, well, better. There's a lot to it, got anything specific you'd like to hear about?


It's called New Haven(if you wanna read it, it's on wattpad, unfinished), that's the name of the halfway house. Basically, it's a place for teens getting out of juvie, and they go and stay there for a year or so to assimilate kinda. They've even got a mascot, courtesy of my character Esme, a chicken named Macbeth! It's a feel good writing thing for me, because it's kind of about finding a family and getting, well, better. There's a lot to it, got anything specific you'd like to hear about?

I kinda want to hear about that chicken because it sounds like there's going to be a funny story behind it, but other than that not really. (Also, could you link the wattpad story? You don't have to if you don't want to but I kinda want to see it)

@croccin-champagne i'm not sure if that'll work, the share options are kinda funky

And it is a funny story, kinda! The character Esme is very…well, she doesn't care much about what anyone says, does, that kind of thing if that makes sense. But so anyway, she's been there a while and sometime towards the end of her first year, the home went on a 'field trip' to the nearest town, and her friend Nicky got in trouble with the chicken guy at a farmer's market(a whole 'nother story lmao). She was bored, and secretly cares about her friends, so she stepped in just before the guy kicked Nicky's ass, and challenged the guy to a poker game. She actually lost, because halfway through the guy called her out on her cheating, but the guy was so amused by the fact that she couldn't play without cheating that he promised to leave them alone, if they took an egg. She managed to convince the lady in charge that she would train and hatch the egg. The reason that her name is Macbeth is because Esme thought she was a rooster lmao

@Mojack group

I'm writing a story called Nothing. I plan to have two sequels, Something, and Anything. If everything goes well, then I'm writing a prequel, Everything.

Nothing takes place in the future. It's a story with a main conflict of 'war' and the humans vs aliens, though it goes a lot deeper than that. The story (or at least the first book) takes place from the viewpoint of a man who's name is "The Sniper", but true name is unknown (to the readers.) Will I reveal it? Unsure, but I will tell you it is a Polish name. After a deadly sickness with no cure hits the town he is in, he is forced to flee, going across the dreaded 'Death Fields' (the name is not a lie, I tell you) and a ship crashes there. He searches through it, finds some supplies, then leaves, but comes into contact with a deadly machine, who he is later able to overcome and flee the area before some 'scouts' come along. He arrives at the forest and meets a girl named 'Husky' (also not real name, majority of characters in this book do not use their real names, though a lot of them I do reveal names of) who directs him to safety, where he ends up working in a new base. Soon after arriving, two of the alien scouts arrive and are searching for a man that no one knows. They leave on tense relations and after some research, they find that the man is an escaped prisoner who speaks the alien language fluently and has a lot of their secrets and plans, but went into hiding. After some time, they all set out in a group of 7 to find the man, but as winter begins to end, some of the more non-mechanical aliens come around and begin to hunt humans. The group seems to avoid them at first but are picked off one by one, and when they finally find the man, he refuses to associate with them. After receiving new orders, they head back to base, with only 4 people left. They are suddenly attacked by a large, bird like creature, and one person gets killed in the conflict, but the man arrives and the bird leaves. He does not reveal how he learned to deal with the creature, but says that he knows in 3 months time the 'Capital ship' of the aliens will arrive. This is their second largest ship and basically puts them in endgame, with only three endings: run, hide, or go extinct/into slavery.
Many people are put off by this and some say they're giving up, but many people believe that running is the best option. The Sniper and some groups of people are sent out again, this time to find a crashed, alien 'Transport ship', so that they could repair it, and use it to leave Earth. With plenty of struggle it goes according to plan of some degree. The transport ship isn't able to hold everyone on Earth, and some people were upset at that. They take some animals with them on the ship and plants; plus supplies, making preparations to leave only a few hours before the arrival of Capital. As they are boarding, an ambush occurs, and some people are shot while trying to defend those getting on board. The Sniper is one of them. He survives, I have not decided wether or not I'm going to have him die from his wounds or survive a little longer (either way, he won't make it to the second or third book) and the ship begins to leave. It leaves with some damage but is repaired after some time. The rest of humans go into hiding underground or live a risky life on the surface, and the aliens begin to claim the rest of the planet with ease.
The second book is a couple hundred years after the first. The characters from the first book (or majority) will probably not be seen here. Many people on the ship believe they are safe on the transport, but some believe that they should return to Earth. The leaders on the ship say no at first, but after some time, someone named Neveara agrees, which allows them to return to Earth due to the amount of power that Neveara holds. They take a small ship to Earth and enter, with the aliens only figuring out a few days later that the ship's codes showed a ship that had been missing for a couple centuries.
When the group arrives, they land in a forest that was previously a city. They find old artifacts, and one of the characters says they have a feeling something is watching them, but dismiss it. One of the other characters screams and when they run to their location, the person is gone. Suddenly, they are attacked by a plant (yes, a plant) that they quickly use a flamethrower on and it's very effective. The light attracts a large, predatory creature that engages in a chase with some of them. The group is split up. The first group leaves the chase, and come across a lone cabin, that they take shelter in. The second group is still in pursuit. They are cornered, but suddenly a spear is thrown into one of the eyes of the creature. It flees, preferring to avoid conflict. And mostly surprised that something threw something into its eye. The group is confronted by some humans that speak a language unheard of. They are captured and take them to a cave. The space humans quickly realize what happened to some of the humans they left on Earth, they went underground and built tribes within. Their language even changed as well.
The humans at the cabin are sitting in the attic when they realize they are not alone, hearing a door downstairs open.
(That's all I have now for the second book)
The third book is basically the fight for Earth, but this time, the humans are supported by an unknown alien race. (Comes into factor later). They also have some sympathy from within the first invading race. This is also all I have for the third.

The 4th (or prequel) explains how the war started and such.

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I'm going to divide mine into multiple parts, so I apologize if this is long.

The first part of "The Untold Obscurities" series starts off calm. Six teens discover some amulets based off the main three races of carnivorous animals (because I'm a furry) (also it's about the nature of this world) Canine, Feline, and Aves.
The group meets and goes through various trails by means of these three Amulets. They unearth the true nature of these powerful relics, that with all powers, there is always something at stake. There are over arcing recurring themes such as a few in the group gaining elemental powers of sorts after wielding the amulets.
By the end of the first half of this series, the main characters have ended the painful cycle that was the curse of the Amulets.

The interception book helps shift the world view from just one thing being off, to their whole reality.
One character from the last section is transported to a pocket realm by an interdimensional being who you will see again. He meets another person who held the same fate, and they bound together only to realize when they get out that she was from somewhere else in the multiverse. The group (and a couple others) from the last section bound together once more to unravel the mystery of the strange occurrences, but tensions are high with multiple characters grieving for the others lost, not wanting to risk their lives once more.

The second section tells the story roughly 20 years after the interception, with some of the cast married and living peaceful lives with children who are soon to be graduating. The technology has advanced swiftly within the last 20 years, almost unnaturally for this slow-moving world.
Their children have been granted with powers similar to the original cast, and this is the main dilemma throughout this section.
When the main character from the last section is taken by a government agency, his son and old best friend take it into their own hands. The group rebounds once again (don't worry, they'll retire soon XD) to create a recon mission. They discover the true intentions of the NNSAIF (National Neverni Supernatural And Intelligence Facility) finding paradoxes (dimension travelers) and past Amulet owners (See what I did there!!!??). It would be extremely cool and lighthearted… if they weren't tortured and kept alive by magic to gain what the NNSAIF wanted. So all in all, they want to kill everyone, and someone in the recon group released them remotely.
And it's all revealed, they're living in a fantasy world turned rogue. A fantasy world that rejects the magic given to them and is now suffering by their rejection.
So yeaaaaaaaaaaah, that's TUO so far. I sadly only have 3/4s of the first book completely plotted down… ahaha kill me… but yeah! I like it!

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I know I should've expected this from a site for writers, but heck how are you guys so good at writing?!

I'm really not…?

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Why are you guys surprised that Nutella is giving so much positivity? Their username literally says "There will be NO NEGATIVITY"


Why are you guys surprised that Nutella is giving so much positivity? Their username literally says "There will be NO NEGATIVITY"

Well I actually added that to my username after I started being a positive lil potato (it originally said “NO CURSING”, but I changed it)