forum Talons of Blood (Wings of Fire characters in the Hunger Games Simulator)
Started by @PastelTart

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I put 24 Wings of Fire characters through the Hunger Games, but I changed the name. I'm gonna tell ya'll what happens, so be ready.


(I also changed a lot of the text so I could do funnies. This first one is The Reaping. The Talons of Blood is also hosted by Scarlet.)

Queen Scarlet's Pickery

Team 1. Clay and Tsunami
Team 2. Glory and Starflight
Team 3. Sunny and Moon
Team 4. Winter and Peril
Team 5. Turtle and Qibs(Qibli)
Team 6 Kinkajou and Blue
Team 7. Cricket and SNUDOO(Sundew)
Team 8. Willow and Bumblebee
Team 9. Kestrel and Webs
Team 10. Dune and Riptide
Team 11. Jambu and Deathy(Deathbringer)
Team 12. Swordy(Swordtail) and Luna


(This part is originally The Bloodbath/the Cornucopia thing.)

The Gimme Stuff Murder Spree

SNUDOO flies away from the Cornucopia.

Sunny snatches a bottle of alcohol and a rag.

Kestrel flies away from the Cornucopia.

Starflight, Clay, Moon, and Cricket share everything they gathered before running.

Glory flies away from the Cornucopia.

Winter runs into the cornucopia and hides.

Kinkajou flies away from the Cornucopia.

Dune flies away from the Cornucopia.

Deathy flies away from the Cornucopia.

Peril runs away with a lighter and some rope.

Blue flies away from the Cornucopia.

Jambu severely slices Qibs with a sword. (NO!! MOON, AVENGE HIM!! AVENGE MY FAVE BOI!!)

Riptide snatches a bottle of alcohol and a rag.

Tsunami scares Turtle away from the cornucopia.

Luna flies away from the Cornucopia.

Willow finds a canteen full of water.

Webs and Bumblebee fight for a bag. Bumblebee gives up and retreats.

Swordy flies away from the Cornucopia.


Day 1

Cricket diverts Kinkajou's attention and runs away.

Jambu makes a wooden spear.

Blue scares Bumblebee off.

Clay makes a slingshot.

Moon tries to sleep through the entire day.

Kestrel makes a slingshot.

Deathy begs for Peril to kill him. She refuses, keeping Deathy alive.

Webs makes a slingshot.

Glory tends to Riptide's wounds.

Starflight sprains his ankle while running away from Sunny.

Luna and SNUDOO split up to search for resources.

Willow receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.

Swordy scares Dune off.

Turtle receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.

Winter stalks Tsunami.


Night 1

Cricket, Webs, and Peril sleep in shifts.

Kestrel begs for Bumblebee to kill her. She refuses, keeping Kestrel alive.

Willow thinks about home.

Sunny dies from hunger.

Luna screams for help.

SNUDOO, Starflight, and Dune sleep in shifts.

Kinkajou convinces Deathy to snuggle with her. (Hey! That's Glory's Deathy you're snuggling with!)

Winter and Turtle tell stories about themselves to each other.

Glory receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.

Moon thinks about winning.

Tsunami attacks Clay, but Jambu protects him, killing Tsunami.

Swordy tries to sing himself to sleep.

Riptide tends to his wounds.

Blue attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful.


Day 2

Winter searches for a water source.

Willow questions her sanity.

Deathy strangles Peril with a rope.

Clay sets an explosive off, killing Starflight, Kestrel, Cricket, and Dune.

Jambu discovers a cave.

Swordy pushes Glory off a cliff during a knife fight.

SNUDOO searches for a water source.

Moon sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate.

Bumblebee tries to spear fish with a trident.

Turtle, Riptide, Blue, and Kinkajou raid Luna's camp while she is hunting.

Webs picks flowers.


Bloddy Coinkydink!!

A cloud of posionous smoke starts to fill the arena

Jambu is engulfed in the cloud of poisonous smoke.

Moon sacrifices herself so Blue can get away.

SNUDOO sacrifices herself so Kinkajou can get away.

Winter survives.

Deathy and Clay agree to die in the cloud together, but Deathy pushes Clay in without warning.

Willow survives.

Webs sacrifices himself so Turtle can get away.

Bumblebee slowly pushes Riptide closer into the cloud until he can't resist any more.

Swordy survives.

Luna is engulfed in the cloud of poisonous smoke.


15 screams can be heard in the distance.

Team 3

Team 1

Team 4

Team 2

Team 9

Team 7

Team 10

Team 2

Team 11

Team 3

Team 7

Team 1

Team 9

Team 10

Team 12


Night 2

Bumblebee begs for Blue to kill her. He refuses, keeping Bumblebee alive.

Turtle, Winter, Deathy, Willow, and Kinkajou sleep in shifts.

Swordy receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.


The Gimme MORE Stuff Murder Spree

The Cornucopia is replenished with stuffies, stuffies, and more stuffies that we need.

Winter decides not to go to The Gimme MORE Stuff Murder Spree.

Turtle, Willow, and Kinkajou track down and kill Bumblebee.

Blue decides not to go to The Gimme MORE Stuff Murder Spree.

Swordy gathers as much food into a bag as he can before fleeing.

Deathy cannot handle the circumstances and commits suicide.


Day 3

Willow camouflages herself in the bushes.

Blue receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.

Kinkajou questions her sanity.

Winter practices his archery.

Swordy runs away from Turtle.


Night 3

Winter convinces Willow to not kill him, only to kill her instead.

Turtle is unable to start a fire and sleeps without warmth.

Kinkajou and Swordy hold hands.

Blue tends to his wounds.


Day 4

Swordy tries to sleep through the entire day.

Winter practices his archery.

Blue and Turtle split up to search for resources.

Kinkajou camouflages herself in the bushes.


Night 4

Kinkajou receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.

Blue tends to Turtle's wounds.

Swordy destroys Winter's supplies while he is asleep.


Day 5

Kinkajou makes a wooden spear.

Blue camouflages himself in the bushes.

Turtle defeats Swordy in a fight, but spares his life.

Winter hunts for other tributes.


Night 5

Winter falls into a frozen lake and drowns.

Turtle decapitates Blue with a sword.

Swordy questions his sanity.

Kinkajou attempts to climb a tree, but falls to her death.