forum Talk to me about your main characters
Started by Colby

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Ok well
My current main character occurred to me when I was bored in math
Do you know how hard it is to write down a character template in math inconspicuously


Ahhh fun
My math teacher looked at me like I was crazy
I was truly scared he was gonna take my notebook and read it out loud
He’s the kinda person who would do that
And I’m really bad at writing down stuff in an organized way
So that would’ve been bad
Thankfully he didn’t tho


my math teacher gave me inspiration for my main character
he was like Twilight would have been better if it was just Charlie Swan and the werewolves hunting vampires with out any romance
and obviously my story has changed since then, but i created my main character in that class

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I came up with my main characters while watching Netflix 😁

@Green snek

I was talking to my best friend who was doing a project on medieval weaponry. She was complaining there wasn’t any really good books that were readily available about a universe where there was magic and medieval, besides form D&D type stuff. I, likewise, thought up of my actual plot in maths, and my maths teacher is always complaining about the doodles and plots she finds in my books 😆

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I was playing Minecraft and i was like "OH BOY AN IDEA!" i can explain more if you want.

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So, I found a village in mc that was in a lake (c'mon Mojang) and I wanted to fix it cuz I was bored.I stayed in a library at that time. I traded with a few villagers and I traded my one emerald away, I got mad, killed the villager, who happened to be another librarian and destroyed the building for materials to fix the village.
And that was how The Rumors was born.


My main characters name is Amber. I came up with her because I wanted an outlet to write about what I do and don't like about myself, and all the sudden I was writing a book.


I based my character Charlie off My little sister Mya. (Charlie is a bit of a narcissistic child)

@Green snek

My main character is Raven Meddler, who was brought up by bandits. I based her off all the things I want to be like in a bad situation, which I quite often have!


My characters name is Finley Parker who is a very hot headed person. She is prone to violent outbursts and shes angry a lot. but her friends help her maintain the balance between herself and her alter ego


well, i kinda created two character at the same time (kind of). actually…i kinda created like…6 characters at once lololol, it was when i was about 13 14 ish (im 24 now). it started out with playing a dress-up game on some website, and as the first character started coming together, i began to create others at the same time in my head and the story just kind of happened. its not an official story or anything. i mainly create characters for rping.

The first and my personal fav is Ramule Black (i created his elder brother Samule at the same time, they are my favorite brothers lolol). Ive been fine tuning things ever since. their story, culture, personalities and flaws, its an ever changing thing lol. Ramule reminds my A LOT like Flynn Rider (tangled). like, how he seems super arrogant and cocky (and a womanizer) on the outside, but when you get past that shell he actually a sweetheart and has some personal issues. Oh, and hes also a vampire (not the sparkly kind hahaha).

His brother is the complete opposite. calm and composed. hes kind of like the stereotypical cool nerd in most anime. (ya know. super mysterious and not very social, but at the same time really cool because of how mature they seem).

Theres really a lot more to them but i dont wanna bore people haha!


my favorite character that ive created so far is Lola jackson. she was named after two of my favorite songs Ms. jackson by panic at the disco and lola by the kinks. i created her from the lyrics in both songs and made her. shes wild, confident, good at what she does, and loves trouble.


Here is one of mine
Her name is nadia and she is an orb weaver spider
Home was destroyed in a previous war along with family except for her older sister naya, now they travel together hoping to find a new home