forum Talk About Your Amazing Best Friend(s)!!
Started by @Euric_Knight

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She is great and loves hugging people and gets overly excited for most things and has the most ridiculous voice and laugh and she's just great

Deleted user

She taught me how to see beauty and stand up for what I believed in. She gives me a reason to live another day. Even though we fight, she's never the one who starts the arguments, and I don't know why she puts up with me. She is the most beautiful human being I've ever known. She stayed up through the lonely nights until I could fall asleep without tears. She talks about nothing with me. We gravitate towards each other in times of danger, lie comfortably and unselfconsciously against each other on any soft surface during lazy days. And the air freezes around us at a wrong comment or look, only to warm up again once we burst into laughter. But she has always been there for me, as well as I her. She makes me laugh so hard soda shoots out my nose. We joke about everything, we spend time together as much as possible. She supports me through all my depressive episodes, she gets me to a safe place during an anxiety attack. She holds my hand and hugs me when I need it, and gives me space if I can't handle the world. We grew up together. I taught her to make a slingshot out of a spoon and some string, and a few cusswords as well, haha. We learned to ride a bike together. She is so very smart and intuitive, I am creative and zany. We work best as a team, on our own, we are lost. She helped me realize I was pansexual, she supported me when there was no one else. And I owe her so much, she is so very important to me. I would die for her, but I try my best to live for her. She is my sister, and I love her dearly. I'm so glad she is my sister, I wouldn't have it any other way. She completes me, I am the yin to her yang. Honestly, I don't know what I did to deserve her, but if she sees this at any point, she should know I mean all of it. Love ya, sis!

Sorry, this was too long, I just really love my sister.

@Becfromthedead group

I have a few people… I won't give their names, just initials.
A- She's been my best friend since 1st grade (we're both in different colleges now). I have never felt afraid to be my genuine self around her, and she too is very genuine and one of a kind. She is very understanding and gentle, and she always listens to what others have to say. She's also hilarious and extremely smart and creative, and I really admire her for that. She also puts up with my shenanigans, and that's saying something.
S- I met her in 8th grade, and we clicked pretty quickly, mostly by talking about fandoms and stuff. She has always given the best book recommendations and advice in general. She's very open about her struggles, but not in an attention-seeking way- more of an "I want you to know it's okay to not always be okay." She's also a good actress and dancer, and an absolute ray of sunshine. Plus she's tall and gives good hugs.
E- She is literally one of the kindest people I think I've ever met, and I only met her a few months ago. I don't think we're like "best friends" exactly, but she's the person I've become closest to since leaving for college. She is always willing to give second chances and talk to you when you're feeling down. She even has taken the time to check in on me and my boyfriend, (among other people, probably) when she knew we were feeling down or stressed. Like I have on occasion received a text or two from her and almost cried because it would be something I needed to hear. She's also hecking adorable and smol…
G- Another one of my closer college friends that I've known very briefly. She is really cool and helpful. We always work on chemistry stuff together. She's one of those friends you can have really intriguing, but also sometimes really silly conversations with, and I love talking to her.
N- My roommate, whom I've known for about three years. She and I are like-minded for the most part. She is very driven and serious and shy, but when you get to know her, she is very calm, collected, and strong. She also gives amazing advice and hugs.
L- I have been friends with him for a little less than three years. He is highly empathetic and mostly selfless, as he holds the problems of others in higher regard than his own. He also has a brilliant sense of humor, and since he's so in-tune with others, he usually can tell the right joke to make any specific person laugh. He has a no-nonsense attitude, and while he never sets out to hurt others, he definitely won't take any crap from them, especially if it's bothering other people. He also will let you know when you're wrong if he feels it's necessary to help you make better choices or to feel better about a problem you're having. He is very humble, but to a fault, as he often doesn't credit himself for being a good person, when he literally goes out of his way to help others through tough times (for example, he helped our friend (G on this list) make the decision to break up with her really controlling boyfriend who didn't want her to go to college and literally expected her to marry him and be a housewife.)


I love talking about my friends
So here's a few of my favorite humans
S - Okay so I've known her for like 12 of my 14 years of being alive. She's been there for me my entire life and she means so much to me. This person is more than a best friend, she's my sister. She's been there for me through my best and worst times of my life and I love her to death. She is incredibly amazing in ways words cannot describe. She puts up with me (ikr) and is one of the greatest souls in the world and I am beyond lucky to have her in my life.
G - So I've known this bean since 3rd grade and she is my best friend. She's been through thick and thin with me. She's the kindest, most precious, gentle, adorkablest, bestest, human ever. I love her so much and she makes sure I know that (satisfying my attention seeking thirst) . She understands me better than anyone else in the world and she tolerates me through my most annoying and weirdest times. I love her so much.
K - Okay so this human is my crush goodest human friend. I've only known her for about a year and a half. She is absolutely stunning in many ways. She kinda just gets me and my weirdo thinking and thoughts and all. We text a lot and she's my favorite human who goes to my school. She and I are there for each other when we need to be. We check on each other and make sure the other is okay and talk and all. We've opened up to each other, which I know was incredibly hard for both of us. She tolerates me and my annoyingness which is weird to me but she's someone who I love.
M - Okay I've only known her since last year but she's a really good friend to me. She is an amazing person and writer and although she doesn't always believe me, she is a m a z i n g. She refuses to take a compliment tho but I continue to give her as many compliments as I can. She is a huge dork and gets sooooo excited about the stars and I swear, it's the adorablest thing ever. I will always be there for her and I hope she's there for me too. So, if you see this, I love you ya big dork.

I could go on and on about more humans but these are just some of the most important to me


How to describe how amazing my best friend is, Well she's one heck of a strong lady, she's the kind of person you tell about your goals that you never actually think will come true and she just holds onto them and reminds you about them even when you forget. She's the kind of person who will drag you away from a relationship by force if she has to because she could see they were toxic from a mile away. She's the kind of person you think how the heck are you my friend how can you stand me when you're so amazing. She's the kind of person to be going through a really bad time but still helps you with your problems that seem minuscule and insignificant in comparison. She's the type of person who just knows when talk and when to listen and she always has the perfect response. She's the kind of person you always want around you even in your worst moments you want her there, you want her to be at your wedding your funeral when you have a kid. She's amazing and I wouldn't trade her for anything or anyone else.