i like hearing about what other people's interests they're passionate about or the little things they appreciate so feel free to share
i like hearing about what other people's interests they're passionate about or the little things they appreciate so feel free to share
I wrote like an entire paragraph but decided to delete it because it got out of hand XD
Let's just say I really like foggy mornings and nights.
I love walking through my hometown with my friends, usually during festivals. Stopping for coffee or a tea at a cafe while chatting and watching the world go by without a care.
I love summer nights, I live for them. Fireflies are straight-up gorgeous.
I haven't done this for a while, but I hope to do it again soon: I used to go to my friend's house and ride her horses by a nearby creek and through the woods. (They left for Florida over some drama. They haven't been back and they haven't texted me, though I haven't tried to contact them yet…. I dearly miss them)
I love the smell of freshly cut grass.
I adore owls hooting in the trees.
I love the quiet silence of falling snow, and the gentle calmness the still air brings.
I can never get enough of a baby's laugh. So pure and so full of life and joy, it just puts the biggest smile on my face.
I love the sound of rain falling on a metal roof.
I love the gentle smile of the one I love when I hold a small animal or plant and say I rescued it.
I love his sharp laugh that seems to keep darkness away, and I love that his eyes dance with mischief whenever he's planning to do something slightly dangerous.
I love his coarse side, that is the side of him that chops wood and hauls timber, and works and works and works.
I love the smells of cedar and pine, and campfire smoke.
I love the creaks and rolls of a boat on the water.
I love the Northern Lights that seem to sing and dance with such grace.
I adore running water. Like a brook or a gentle stream.
I love the color green. It matches my eyes and the eyes of my love.
I love the color blue. But not baby blue, or electric blue, but that deep ocean blue that calls and beckons and holds secrets deep enough to drown you.
I love forests at dawn. Everything is so alive. Birds, animals, people, everything is so alive.
I could go on and on and on, but I think this is enough for now. 🙃
Wholesome things such as this.
Camping and sitting beside a campfire.
Especially when it's with loved ones.
Bike rides. I have a ride coming up May 1st that I have to prepare myself for.
The sounds of my nephews laughing, full of life and joy. It's heartwarming that they haven't let the world beat them down.
My now a little over 4 weeks old niece. She's such a happy, beautiful little thing that has her whole life ahead of her and is loved by many.
Supernatural (of course it's on my list lol) This show is full of many exciting themes such as revenge and family. Action, horror, comedy, suspense, and drama are genres that it fits into. Sam and Dean Winchester were at times a very welcome distraction from everyday life and things beyond my own control. So many wonderful characters that I find relatable.
Friends and family are things that I cherish in my life. Without them I probably wouldn't be who I am today. My family is quite large and full of caring, supportive people, as is my friend-group. I love them so much and would be lost without them.
Swimming. There's just something about being in the water that I love. The quiet peacefulness and tranquility.
The smell of freshly cut grass.
The smell of anything being baked.
Being in the woods, surrounded by nature.
The friendships that I've made and am continuing to build here on Notebook. I wouldn't mind actually meeting some of you irl. 🙂
(Oh same here! It would be super cool to meet up with you guys!)
When the sun shines through the window really bright and you have to close your eyes because it hurts. The second you squish your face and the moment after you open your eyes again
Thunder as you start to fall asleep
Driving home in the dark and realizing you can see the moon. Being in the back seat and watching it follow you. Just. The moon in general
When it's chilly outside but the sun is so bright that it's impossible to not be warm
Jeremy Jordan's voice
Wholesome things such as this.
Camping and sitting beside a campfire.
Especially when it's with loved ones.Bike rides. I have a ride coming up May 1st that I have to prepare myself for.
The sounds of my nephews laughing, full of life and joy. It's heartwarming that they haven't let the world beat them down.
My now a little over 4 weeks old niece. She's such a happy, beautiful little thing that has her whole life ahead of her and is loved by many.
Supernatural (of course it's on my list lol) This show is full of many exciting themes such as revenge and family. Action, horror, comedy, suspense, and drama are genres that it fits into. Sam and Dean Winchester were at times a very welcome distraction from everyday life and things beyond my own control. So many wonderful characters that I find relatable.
Friends and family are things that I cherish in my life. Without them I probably wouldn't be who I am today. My family is quite large and full of caring, supportive people, as is my friend-group. I love them so much and would be lost without them.
Swimming. There's just something about being in the water that I love. The quiet peacefulness and tranquility.
The smell of freshly cut grass.
The smell of anything being baked.
Being in the woods, surrounded by nature.
The friendships that I've made and am continuing to build here on Notebook. I wouldn't mind actually meeting some of you irl. 🙂
Leather jackets. Unfortunately the time frames for wearing them here in Mi are short, and often rainy….
Michigan. Such a beautiful state that has many beautiful places to go to. We have some waterfalls, Mackinac Island (the film Somewhere In Time was filmed here), Sleeping Bear Dunes, Traverse City (Grand Traverse Cherry Festival), Frankenmuth (home to Bronner's), miles of lake shore (obviously). More than a few famous people are even from here!
Video games.
Jeremy Jordan's voice
also everything u guys wrote is so nice
it makes me notice all the nice little things in life
how the sun shines through a window
when you notice all the different colors in something that looks like one solid color
when i get a new pen and it writes so smooth
i love hanging out with my best friends i feel like it a friendship where you could talk for hours about everything or just enjoy the silence together
riding my bike in the summer around town with my friends
this summer we would do that a lot and we only had two or three bikes to use so we would have to switch off it was funny and two bikes ended up breaking because they were so old
when you hear a really good song for the first time and it gets stuck in your head for the rest of the day
when my non-artist friends hype my drawings up even when they're the simplest doodles
stuffed toys
that feeling of wanting to learn everything about something you're passionate about
this is really random but i love learning about how the economy works
i also really like geography
when someone compliments my outfit
going to the library during lunch
riding the bus early in the morning
sunrises and sunsets, especially when i'm riding in a car and can take pictures of it, with music in the background
my favorite songs on absolute full blast when i'm by myself and dancing like no one's watching, because no one is
singing at the top of my lungs, especially with people i love
singing with my mom
my dad's laugh cuz he doesn't laugh much
when my little cousin's put their arms up for me to hold them
when i just got my nails/hair done or am dressed cute or just confident for whatever reason and feel like i can take on the world
writing something that i'm really proud of
wearing my loved ones' clothes
smoke tricks executed perfectly
when people draw/make me things
someone wearing my clothes
when people compliment me/ when i compliment people and i can tell it cheers them up
when people that don't normally tell me they love me say "i love you"
inside jokes/having things nobody else understands
popsicles when it's really hot
when you come home after shopping and get to unpack all your new stuff
cities at night/ other usually busy places when they're abandoned
just any time when I can see the stars
learning the name of constellations with my friends as we lay on out backs and stare at the night sky
straight hair with band tees, acid wash jeans and doc martens
deadpan comments that make the whole room laugh
reading a good book and looking at the time and seeing that it's four am
the feeling of pen on paper when writing emotional lyrics
fingerless gloves during chilly mornings
bass turned up so loud you can feel it in the pit of your stomach
finally nailing that last painful chord on a song
getting lost in music with your best friend and just bonding without having to say a word
the crunch of frosty grass beneath your feet
when your face is so cold but your body's warm
the crackle and warmth of fire on a freezing night
sitting around a campfire until the once raging bonfire is tamed to just a small glow of embers
watching a candle burn down
the warmth on your fingertips when you light a match
the pure joy of watching firecrackers illuminate the indigo sky
blaring music in your car as you drive down a country highway
neon city lights
the sound of traffic
diverse settings
hustle and bustle
when the lights go out on stage after a show and the curtain draws, applause filling the room
roller coasters on fall days
that feeling in your chest when your lost in music at 3am and you feel like the artist is talking to you
i love the hum of nighttime
i love the intricacy of dave malloy's music
i love the intensity of 'actually' from octet
^ i love the 'click click'
i love her laugh and how her hands shake all the time
i love to watch the leaves in the wind
i love seeing the things people care about on the street
^ like an really nice outfit, or a nice garden, or a drawing on the sidewalk
i love conversations that make you feel full and content and focused
i love deciphering new poems
i love the feeling of my copy of the book thief
i love clutter
i love trinkets
i love things that have had a life before i find them
i love parks that seem like they expel everything to do with the city
i love to get lost in forests
i love wandering and finding new streets
I love the last few lines of little god from octet:
If I can explain away something that by all criteria satisfies any definition of God, then I can explain away anything. Any miracle. Any wonder. Any feeling. Any sense of love, or responsibility, or moral…or just sense of meaning.
I look into my daughter’s eyes…my wife…what does it mean?
We tried so hard to shatter our skepticism; but it was like throwing our minds against a wall.
We traveled into black holes, into quarks; we slipped through time backwards and sideways; we created new life forms, living suns; we watched the universe multiply, invert, spiral, disappear. We beheld an infinity of wonders—and yet we sat at our desks in stoic calculation, stripped of awe, paralyzed by the unforgiving relentlessness of our intellect.
The way my youngest nephew's face lights up when he sees me, full of joy and love.
Walking in warm rain.
The moments after it rains.
That feeling you have after getting your hair cut and it looks great.
When I get to see my life-long bestfriend that's like a brother to me
When my pets want my attention
Re-reading a book that I haven't read in a long time
Writing and the mental exercise that comes with it
Rediscovering bands(musical artists)/hearing old songs that you forgot that you like
Learning something new
turning your music up so loud you can't hear anything else
watching my family members (mostly the kids) get excited for the holidays
fireworks lighting up people's faces while they watch them in awe
when butterflies land on you
walking outside and the sun being so bright you have to squint
feeling the sunlight warm you through the windows in the car
someone opening up to me
the good kind of surprises
being so comfortable somewhere that's not your house like it's a second home
doing something nice for a stranger
having a conversation with a random person and clicking with them
gel pills hit different. they're smooth and nice and I like them a lot
The animated version of Supernatural. It's fun watching alternate versions of some episodes from the first 2 seasons, and also nice seeing some original animated stories too!
I've been drawing a lot the past couple days and I forgot how much I actually enjoy it when I'm not dying
the way my psych teacher says mechanism. she pronounces it like "meh-cog-nism"
sitting in the dark in a car with someone and not really talking or anything and just watching the way the moonlight hits them and admiring how pretty they are
that moment when I think my makeup looks kind of bad and then I look up at the mirror again and somehow it looks really good
Watching someone's face change to the wide eyed look of awe when they look at the person they like. Especially when they try to hide it but don't do a very good job
I love:
collecting little metal button pins, keychains, laptop stickers, and other small miscellaneous trinkets.
when someone smiles so wide that their eyes crinkle and/or you can see their gums.
when you're petting a dog and it presses its nose into the palm of your hand.
the sound of frogs on a cool summer night.
cold, winter nights when the whole world is dead silent.
honestly being outside any late night to look at the stars. I've always wanted to go stargazing one night; I've just never really gotten around to it. Shame.
the feeling of satisfaction when you learn something new and know you truly understand it.
the way people look and sound when they talk about something they're genuinely passionate about.
The fact that my best friend has done all of the following for me in the past week:
God, I love him so much
The fact that my best friend has done all of the following for me in the past week:
- He surprised me at my house and we just played all of the songs we knew for hours
- Even though he knows nothing about the stars, he said that his favorite constellation was Draco because it was mine.
- Let me rant about those morning when I'm really happy and just watched me with a smile
- Gave me a hug cuz I had just cut off two transphobic people and that was rough
- Texted Linkin Park lyrics back and forth with me
- Literally took away all the matches and lighters in my home because I keep burning myself on them
- Let me talk about two gay, dead wizards from the 70s that he knew nothing about but knew I loved
- Read my small little stories even though I never asked him to.
God, I love him so much
He sounds like a wonderful person.
I love showing my art to non-art people because they're always overly impressed and it boosts my ego
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