forum Talk about the things you love, are passionate about, or mean a lot to you~
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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We all have something we love that we could talk about forever, whether it’s a fandom you’re in, someone you care about, your favorite hobby, anything.
This is your space to go on and on about that stuff without annoying anyone. :D

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I love…


I love it with all of my heart, I enjoy the people, I enjoy the twelve-hour days, I enjoy the heat, and I even enjoy warm-ups with everyone. I love the awkward tanline contest at the end of band camp, I love the spirit days, I love color wars, I freaking love a lot of people in my section, I like meeting new people who decided to join. I love football games, I love our drills, I love backwards marching and complaining about my rolling ankles when we do it.





oh my god my family is leaving for a road trip to new york tomorrow and im so. heccin. excited.
like yes it may just be my inner theatre nerd thinking all of this but none of them get how freaking e x c i t e d i am like i legitimately cannot stop thinking about it and i love road trips tbh and this is gonna be a big one and im just aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh

@saor_illust school

oh finally now i can ramble on about how i love horses and music and violins and how violas are very much underrated without worrying!!!!! YESSSSSSSSSSSS OKI SO HORSES ARE THE BEST BUT IF YOU EVER MEET ONE UNLESS you know it's domesticated, I, in my opinion wouldn't recommend approaching it, unless you know the horse. And if it is domesticated/and or you know it then hold out the back of your hand for the horse to see/sniff/nose it. This is basically saying hi to the horse. then never pet or stroke a horse on its face unless you know the horse very well. if you are riding the horse, it's still a big nono unless you are very experienced, or you own the horse, or the previously mentioned. and thennnnnnn YES VIOLINS ARE AMAZING BUT VIOLAS ARE UNDERRATED SO IF YOU ARE CONSIDERING THE VIOLA THEN YAY WE CAN NEVER HAVE ENOUGH VIOLAS (Or violins but violas are more important tbh) ((Okie so this only applies to my orchestra only don't get offended)) And cellos you have to learn not to be too loud and winds you need to learn how to do stuffs like stacato and marcato aaaaaaand

ok i'm done now. i apologize if you have no idea what i just said, but like i said i ramble about this kind of stuff, ok?

@saor_illust school

oooooohmigosh i forgot about music camp!!!!!! IT IS AMAZING and I love music camp and I swear I meet so many friends there but i swear this summer there was the most innocent kid there like literally he was so innocent you wouldn't believe it but enough about him. Plus my stand partner for chamber groups was absolutely freaking amazing! Aaand the best part is I actually already knew my stand partner in the orchestra haha so that was nice. oh yeah there was this one guy at camp who said he was pitch perfect so that was cool.

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yea but y'all orchestra folks don't get the whole package

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the heat of outside


the stuff

y'all missin out

@saor_illust school

oh. well that's why i prefer orchestra camp. i don't like marching, arm circles, or outside heat. nah. i'm gonna stick to violin, but if i ever pick up the flute, i'm still going to orchestra camp lol

@saor_illust school

besides, our conductor had this thing where he asked us questions in italian and we had to respond in italian. cool, is it not? i learned a bit of italian hehe

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mmmmmmmmmmmmmm no

every time my conductor makes a bad pun we make her do five pushups nose to the ground. I've been amazed by fitness

@saor_illust school

oh gawd. on the topic of puns, i did win a musical pun war on discord haha. (As in stuff like "Shall we raise the bar? I don't think you quite measure up to the current standards." And I just discovered a new musical pun lol)

aaaaaanyways what else do you guys do in band camp

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they feed us free food our 8-8 days and that's pretty neat

food's great

also if you've ever seen that one episode of Spongebob where Squidward puts a band together I can 100000000000000000000000000000000000% clarify that's what happens

@saor_illust school

oki ty, and no i haven't

hey we get free food too! heh it's pretty great too. well… idk what else to talk about. i kinda ran out of things to ramble on about for the night lol