Started by @yeetus

people_alt 4 followers

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Gosh are you jealous? XD
I love you too, you are both my frens. :P

Deleted user

….my love has been rejected! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
;~; why does everyone hate me

Deleted user

I vote Maria 100% as supreme leader, Imma be a administrator just like I am for NOPC. And no one hates you @ShatteredAngel .

…it's Connie


..Ok, Connie… Call me Santa Claws. I burglar into your house, eat you cookies and drink you milk then leave you cheap gifts!! Oh, and my reindeers poop in you yard :) Sorry


I vote for Emi. And I read this chat in General Hux's accent.

(Your Hux accent is what inspired me to make this in the first place)

@HighPockets group

I vote for Emi. And I read this chat in General Hux's accent.

(Your Hux accent is what inspired me to make this in the first place)

Thanks! I'm actually not too bad at accents, I can do a Hux, Rey, Generic American South, New York, and Generic New England pretty well!