forum Superwholock trash?
Started by @Book_Lord24

people_alt 41 followers


appears randomly with the TARDIS ahhhhhh
crashes through the wall in a 1967 Chevy Impala AhhhHhh
jumps off of a building AAAHAHHHHH



ehh… nah. well, I used to love doctor who, but it started to get pretty dumb. moffat isn't a great writer, not by a long shot. same problem with Sherlock tbh. the first season was amazing, the second season pretty good, and then after that? well, everything started going downhill, for sure. as for supernatural, I can't get over how convoluted and corny it is


That's the point of the show, Supernatural is supposed to be convoluted, and complex as hell. Corny and convoluted is it's whole thing. But I'm tired of the fangirls/fanboys who are only in it to see Jensen and Jared.