forum Supernatural Experiences?
Started by shurikenwolfbadass_13

people_alt 3 followers


You've been out here asking these kinds of questions, forcing people to actually use this site for it's intended purpose in such a dedicated manner that I can only conclude that you're trying to figure out the answers to our password questions for some nefarious purpose :P

@Chameleon the Slytherpuff and Slitherpuff

Well, one time, for example, I started singing a song in the car. Mom turned the radio on and it was the same song playing at the same time. Also, every time I walk past vending machines something I like falls down. Literally every time.

Deleted user

Well in my family we have a history of clairvoyance, (basicly snippets or forbodence of future events) it usually is just small stuff (and we do not do magic/witchcraft or anything like that). It's almost like a dream so you mostly forget about it, but it happens kind of regularly that it doesn't really bother me that much. I mean it's basically like daja vu in a sense. Like I once dazed of and had a dream-like vision of me crying over something while folding some boy clothes. Two years later it actually happened (at that moment it was like "woah! This seems way familiar! Isn't that the same ugly red shirt I saw a few years ago?" I also had repeated the same actions I did in my "dream". I was crying because I was accused of cheating on a test I had studied hard on. (I know it might not seem much, but these visions happens alot) my dad said that his granny use to tell him that clairvoyance ran pretty deep in the family.
One of my favorite stories is about my great aunt who one morning felt a horrible dread run through her. She felt scared, but mostly for her husband's life. She finally kept asking him to stay home from work at least just for this day. (She had a very bad feeling) her husband agreed, after awhile, call his work place that he wouldn't go to work that day so someone should take his shift.

So he stayed home.

And that was the day the Two Towers were hit. The place where he worked. Most of his Co workers died. My aunt has never been so thankful.

My mom has also had supernatural experiences. She once had this favorite uncle Jerry. They were the best of friends and he was an old happy guy. He was the best uncle they had. She once had a time where something kept on knocking at her window during the night. The thing is, she lived on the 2nd floor and there were no tree s next to her window. (She said she had multiple time where something would knock (almost as if asking to be let in) and once she was fully awake, a calming joy would blanket her, and sometimes she heard happy laughter. She smelt old tobacco, a smell she was well acquainted with. She would just feel happy and almost as if she knew that the person was going to a better place.
The next morning a phone call came in saying that old smoking-tobacco uncle Jerry had died in his sleep.

(Boy this is long and my hands are tired. But I haven't really dig deep into my family's weird supernatural occurances)


I've had precognitive and postcognitive dreams/visions revolving around certain events. Once I had a vision/daydream before I went to school that I was going to have go to in-house because I'm a tardy guy, so I asked to go to the bathroom before it happened. I went back and my friends told me I'd dodged a bullet. I asked for the details, and they were identical to the ones I'd dreamt of.
Same person.
Same line.
As it turns out, I was let off the hook from that one too!

Deleted user

We have alot of stuff revolving around dead people in my family. (-_-) kinda creepy tho.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

I've had multiple premonitions, and have seen ghosts. I once had a dream that one of my friends was cut on a wire fence…. Days later she was cut by a fence, and needed stitches. I've seen the ghost of an Indian/Native American, the ghost of one of my old music teachers (strangely INSIDE my house), have seen the ghost of an aunt that I was extremely close with (I even knew the moment that she passed), and before I graduated I've heard my name called several times in the barren hallways of my high school.

@Angel with a music box

Y'all have really creepy interesting ones, mine is that once I felt a weird presence. It was really strange though, I was doing this tour thing in Scotland and we were underground, when suddenly I got really cold and sad. I almost broke down crying (which is not like me at all). After we left the tour guide mentioned that the room was supposed to be haunted.

Deleted user

Yeah, in my family, our great-great great-great aunt Josephine has been seen a couple of times in our house in my younger years (identified by old pictures of her and that it's happened before). She's wasn't creepy or anything, but she just use to watch us play games with each other. (I remember her just standing to the side in our living room, and all I thought of her was that she was a nice lady (I was around 7). My older sister (around 13) said she is to stare at the ghost like person (just to make sure she wouldn't hurt us) she said the person would watch is for a minute or two and then smile and blink away. She's known as the Black Lady because of her black (Victorian styled) attire. (She was widowed young and decided to never married afterwards). All in all, I like her. She even kind of looks like me they say! :) …I must look dead then…😨

(And we do not live in a haunted house. It's still new.)

Deleted user

Well my siblings are the "devil incarnate" type so I think she was trying to balance the spectrum in my family.