forum Study Buddies and Homework Help!
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We can all be study buds and help eachother out with homework!


I don't have any rn (I do online school so I don't really have homework) but I can help people with stuff!

What grade are you in?

@HighPockets group

I don't have any rn (I do online school so I don't really have homework) but I can help people with stuff!

What grade are you in?

Freshman, but I'm pretty advanced in those 2 classes.


I don't have any rn (I do online school so I don't really have homework) but I can help people with stuff!

What grade are you in?

Freshman, but I'm pretty advanced in those 2 classes.

Same, but I’m doing dual enrollment so I’m a freshman in high school and college

@HighPockets group

I don't have any rn (I do online school so I don't really have homework) but I can help people with stuff!

What grade are you in?

Freshman, but I'm pretty advanced in those 2 classes.

Same, but I’m doing dual enrollment so I’m a freshman in high school and college

L I T!
I meant in high school but idk if you could tell that….


I don't have any rn (I do online school so I don't really have homework) but I can help people with stuff!

What grade are you in?

Freshman, but I'm pretty advanced in those 2 classes.

Same, but I’m doing dual enrollment so I’m a freshman in high school and college

L I T!
I meant in high school but idk if you could tell that….

Yep I got that lol


I can help with math up to precalculus level (and if anyone happens to be good at precalc let me know, I am struggling)
For science, I know a lot about bio and I'm a bit iffy on chem but feel free to ask me stuff
I'm good at English, but I think most of us on here are
I'm also pretty good at history (I'm in world history rn)
And I know Spanish, but I'm a bit rusty
So yeah, hmu if you need help, I'll do my best to reply quickly

@HighPockets group

I'm pretty good at stuff with the human body (it helps that I have a super detailed binder full of info on it) so I can help with that.
I suck at math.
I did a bit of business/marketing
Iffy on Spanish, not above a level 2 but I have note packets and am pretty good at conjugation. Just not the speaking/listening/essay portions.


I'm currently a high school Senior.

Advanced courses I've taken: Advanced Biology, Chemisty, AP US History, AP English 10, Spanish I, Spanish II
Advanced Courses I'm currently taking: Honors Physics, Honors Precalc, AP English 12, Economics, Government

Any courses not listed, I have taken at a base level instead of advanced. I'm strongest in Math, Science, and English.

I'm open to helping you guys out whenever I can. Ask me questions and I'll try to explain the answer to the best of my ability.